A scene graph is not a class or an object, it's more like a pattern that allows you to create inheritance. This pattern is used a lot in game engines.
A scene graph is a way of ordering your data into a hierarchy where parent nodes affect child nodes.
Mar 5, 2017 · The ideal approach is to create an instance of the dot and then pass to the GPU a big buffer with the information on all the dots I want to render.
The SceneGraph is a bi-directional a-cyclical graph targeting a small number of named entries (maximum of 2 million). It supports both hierarchical and flat ...
Nov 12, 2015 · With a scene graph you can have child objects that move when parent moves. You can also make some states propagate to children, ...
The OpenSceneGraph is an open source high performance 3D graphics toolkit, used by application developers in fields such as visual simulation, games, virtual ...
Jan 28, 2015 · An edge goes between exactly two nodes, and for a scene graph is usually "directed", meaning which end is at which node makes a difference.
The scene graph provides a way to hierarchically manage your objects, their transformation, animation and rendering, among other things. The library is ...
Dec 7, 2015 · Do you guys know any good books and tutorials on the topic of scene graphs for game engines? I'm looking for a decent and efficient way of creating a scene ...
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