Você quis dizer: Hart Brasiliense
Klaus Hart (* 1949 in Oldisleben in Thüringen) ist ein deutscher Journalist, Rundfunk-Journalist, Auslandskorrespondent, Musikproduzent und Buchautor.
Richard Cragun (5 October 1944 – 6 August 2012) was an American ballet dancer, teacher and ballet director who performed with the Stuttgart Ballet in ...
Stefan Zweig and his work enjoy periodic revivals, the latest of which started a number of years ago and is still on-going to some extent.
1 de jun. de 2016 · "No memorável encontro do dia 3 de julho de 1980, do Papa São João Paulo II com 130 mil trabalhadores no estádio do Morumbí, foi Waldemar a ...
27 de abr. de 2009 · A etnóloga suíça Adriana Huber diz que a ONG Atini e o deputado federal Henrique Afonso querem “diabolizar a cultura indígena e legitimar o ...
27 de mar. de 2012 · Nessa segunda-feira, jovens do Movimento Levante da Juventude fizeram protestos em várias cidades brasileiras para escrachar ex-agentes da ...
Sites with photographs by Barnabás Bosshart. · · Links.
tratamento desumano, violento, aterrorizante, vexatório ou constrangedor". A gravação do"documentário"Hakani, realizada na sede da JOCUM em_Porto Velho, violou ...
However, neo-Malthusian economists believe that this may not be a sustainable strategy – it may result in future poverty. It should be noted that economic ...
Richard Cragun (5 October 1944 – 6 August 2012) was an American ballet dancer, teacher and ballet director who performed with the Stuttgart Ballet in ...