This book is devoted to dynamic modeling and simulation as it relates to such a need, combining theoretical as well as practical information for use as a text for formal instruction or for reference by working engineers.
This book offers a complete examination of one of the most promising sources of renewable energy and is a great introduction to this cross-disciplinary field for practising engineers. “provides a wealth of information and is an excellent ...
To enhance student learning, the book incorporates numerous pedagogical features including chapter summaries and learning objectives, end-of-chapter problems, useful equations, and design and open-ended problems that encourage students to ...
The contents in this book are presented at a theoretical-practical level. It explains vehicle dynamics concepts in detail, concentrating on their practical use. Related theorems and formal proofs are provided, as are real-life applications.
I Remain in Darkness is a new high water mark for Ernaux, surging with raw emotional power and her sublime ability to use language to apprehend her own life’s particular music. A Washington Post Top Memoir of 1999