The series centers around Aya, a cowgirl who wears a scarf and wields a katana, who is pitted against hordes of zombies and other monsters.
Classificação (811) · Em estoque
2 de jun. de 2016 · Onechanbara Z2: Chaos is the latest entry in the Onechanbara series. Two sets of buxom vampire sisters battle through over a dozen stages of ...


Série de videogame
OneChanbara, inicialmente definido como The OneeChanbara, é uma série de videogames hack and slash de ação e aventura originalmente desenvolvidos pela Tamsoft para a série Simple 2000 da D3 Publisher. O título é uma junção das palavras japonesas... Wikipedia (inglês)
Desenvolvedor: Tamsoft
Adaptações: OneChanbara (2008)
As pessoas também perguntam
A series of hack-and-slash video games themed around zombie outbreaks and beautiful women wielding Japanese swords.
Em estoque
The sexy sister duo Aya and Saki use their swords and hotness to fight legion upon legion of killer zombies.
The following is a list of games in the Onēchanbara series in order of Japanese release year. More Information
Classificação (334)
The game follows the adventures of a group of beautiful and deadly women as they battle hordes of zombies in a post-apocalyptic world. The combat is fast and ...
Em estoque
Onechanbara Z2: Chaos is the latest entry in the Onechanbara series. Two sets of buxom vampire sisters battle through over a dozen stages of high-octane real- ...
Vídeo para onechanbara
17 de out. de 2021 · Scott's fine, he swears. Happy Sweetest Day! Twitter: ...
Duração: 8:33
Data da postagem: 17 de out. de 2021
Classificação (1.386)
A mysterious scientist discovers a way to bring back the dead. Only it turns one town into a zombie-infested hellhole.