Hymenaea Courbaril L.

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The Jatoba Tree, as it is known, has a height between 15 and 30 meters and a trunk that can exceed one meter in diameter. This type of tree is found throughout Latin America, and the Amazon rainforest as its center of diversity.
The wood of this tree is used in construction, in the manufacture of sports for items, tool handles, jewelry, art objects and decorative items, as well as high-end luxury furniture. Known in English as brazilian-cherry, the wood Jatoba listed, along with the IPE (brazilian walnut-) and mahogany (mahogany), the group of the ten most valuable woods and traded in the world.
The flesh of the vegetable is edible and very nutritious. It is also used as food for wildlife. Dispersal of seeds occurs, in large part, by bats.
Areas near the forests where they are the Jatoba, it is common the use of the bark for tea, also called "jatobá of wine." They believe that this tea is a powerful stimulant and tonic