Magazine Casas & Gente

March, 2003.


The painter Cristina Ruiz de Velasco presented her recent work in the Bromme Street Gallery in the district of Soho in New York. The in|auguración I am a success since mayoria of the pictures of the artist was sold that night. More than 200 guests of the artistico and enterprise scope as much of the United States as of Mexico acompañarón to the artist in this important passage of its race.

Cristina had an inclination by the art from young person, happened of poesia to the television and ahi to the plasticas arts. Its taste by subtle and the fragility beginning with the learning of the design and the restoration of sacred vitrales in France, soon the search to decipher acentaria the feminine inner world with other materials: gold leaf and acrilicos in ocher tones. That is the form in which Cristina seduces her spectator, in front of its pictures a bewitching effect surrounds us to visit ficiones that untie emtre the dream and the watch.