The Círculo de las Artes

Lugo, Spain | C.1898

Photo Credit: Victor Soma

Thousands of miles from any ancient Roman ruins of Italy, the northwest region of Spain holds a title that any Roman emperor would be envious of: the only city in the world to be surrounded by completely intact walls constructed by the descendants of Romulus and Remus. While a proud Galician city, the city of Lugo’s Latin roots abound, with city-dwellers living amongst structures providing over 2,000 years of history.

A UNESCO world heritage site since 2000, the walls of Lugo consist of 71 towers and encircle the city with almost 7000 feet of stone. Constructed between the 3rd and 4th centuries, the walls were built to defend the Roman settlement of Lucus, an important stronghold on the outer edges of the Roman Empire.

Along with the imposing walls, the Romans also erected a bridge crossing the river Miño which still stands today, and the remains of an ancient bathhouse can also be found under the bustling lobby of a modern hotel. A short walk from Lugo’s Cathedral leads a visitor to the House of Mosaics, where a preserved tile floor meticulously put together reveals the wealth of the Roman villa that once fully stood in the heart of the city.

Less ancient, but still quite historic, visitors are advised to pop into the Circulo de las Artes (pictured here), a cultural society founded in 1855, to see whats on the schedule. With a wealth of history and a cultural center on the itinerary, it’s time to. “carpe diem” and walk the ramparts.

Written By: Seamus McMahon

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