Rainbow Lorikeet, a bird that lives up to its name and shows just how colorful parrots can be!

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During our recent trip to Australia, we saw rainbow lorikeets multiple times at multiple locations. While in the Iron Range on the Cape York Peninsula, we found an ideal spot to photograph them, as the birds would land on a perch before moving in to feed. Like most lorikeets, Rainbow Lorikeets are specialized to eat pollen and nectar. The tip of their tongue is covered with papillae that work like a brush to grab pollen and like a sponge to soak up nectar. Although the photo here is a "bird on a perch" image, I think that sometimes a bird is just so beautiful that showing a simple photo of the bird is very worthwhile.
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Superb image! It all came together here...strong composition, interesting behavior, excellent technicals....and fine feather details!
You are simply too kind! This is one of my favorite images from the Australia trip. I think I will post a few more over the next number of days! I am more than pleased that you liked this one!
Excellent capture. I will be visiting Nos. 2 daughter in Darwin mid year. Might get to photograph a Red-Collard Lorikeet. Could your image be a Coconut Lorikeet?
Rainbow Lorikeets and Coconut Lorikeets really don't look the same. Coccnuts have a red chest with feathers edged in purple, a different colored belly and yellow speckled with green legs. I have never seen the Red-collared. Maybe on another trip!