
Chapada dos Veadeiros


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Traveling through Brazil is sure to see stunning natural landscapes and Chapada dos Veadeiros is one of those precious corners of our country that everyone needs to know. The sky with low clouds, an incredible sunset, the safety of the cerrado, the vegetation and the unique rock formations are just some of the things you will find there. And if you are planning your trip there, come with us to create your itinerary for Chapada dos Veadeiros!

There is no shortage of reasons to travel to Chapada dos Veadeiros! The main one is, without a doubt, the unique beauty of the cerrado, with unique vegetation and an unforgettable sky. Walking along its trails is a real spectacle.

Also, Chapada is famous for its beautiful and amazing waterfalls for swimming. There are so many options that you can go countless times and you will always have something new to include in your itinerary.

Another super cool thing is that Chapada has tours for all audiences, with trails of the most different levels and waterfalls that are good even for those who don't know how to swim. Not to mention that the tours are not limited to ecotourism: there are cultural attractions, from a good local forró to big festivals.

Chapada dos Veadeiros has numerous waterfalls open to visitors and are the main attractions sought by tourists visiting the region. In addition to the trails with the rich vegetation of the cerrado, the waterfalls have the most diverse falls, from the largest and with an intense flow of water to the small pools, with great pools for swimming.

There are trails of the most varied levels, which makes tourism there quite democratic. Here are some of the main waterfalls in Chapada dos Veadeiros for you to start planning right now!

Cachoeira Santa Bárbara is the main postcard of Chapada and the darling of tourists who want to venture out for the first time. With a large fall and a well of very transparent and blue water, Santa Bárbara is a highly disputed landscape. To get an idea, the tour must be done with a guide and the maximum stay time is only 1 hour.

One suggestion is to extend the tour to Cachoeira da Capivara, which is very close. This cachu is delicious because you can enjoy it without rushing and still get plenty of sun. Thus, it is worth a trip to Santa Bárbara to enjoy the main view of the region and then relax in Capivara.

It is important to remember that this is a full day tour. For those staying in Alto Paraíso or São Jorge, the distance is a little longer, since Santa Bárbara is in Cavalcante (approximately 90km from Alto Paraíso and 125km from São Jorge). As the road can be tiring, many people choose to stay one or two nights in Cavalcante.

The Almécegas I and II Waterfalls are great for those who want a walk close to Alto Paraíso and with a beautiful view. Inside São Bento Farm, they have a small stretch of land to be covered by car. After parking, it is necessary to make a trail. Both are well priced, light to moderate.

Almécegas I has a beautiful fall 45 meters high and one of the coldest waters in the region. It's worth going there to take a dip, enjoy a bit and leave the rest of the day to enjoy the rapids (which are on a detour from the trail) and Almécegas II.

Both the rapids and Almécegas II have more sunny spaces, which is great for enjoying a late afternoon. And unlike Almécegas I, the water is much less cold and you can spend much more time swimming. The Almécegas II fall is super beautiful and the waterfall is great because it has shallower corners for the less adventurous and also a deep pool for those who like to swim and jump.

Catarata dos Couros is the favorite of many people who travel to Chapada dos Veadeiros. It is a place with a bit of everything: big falls, wells, places with plenty of sun, shade, preserved vegetation, places to jump and swim, lookouts, chasms... It really is a summary of everything you see in various corners of the region. , but with a unique energy.

To get an idea of the grandeur, the Cataract is divided into three super imposing waterfalls: Muralha, Almécegas 1000 and Parafuso. Outside the rainy season it is possible to swim in all three, an unforgettable experience. In the flood season, only the Wall is quieter, as the water flow from the others is really strong. But it's worth the visit for the view!

The Vale da Lua is one of the well-known attractions of Chapada dos Veadeiros and it really has a reason for all its fame. The waterfall doesn't have any big drops, but its rock formations are impressive. The name is precisely because the shape of the stones, due to erosion, reminds us of images of the surface of the moon.

In addition to all the beauty, Vale da Lua has the advantage of being close and easy to reach. The entrance is just 9km from São Jorge and the trail is very quiet. Although there are some sections with stones, the route is very simple and short, about 1 km long.

Tip: this is a tour that can be easily combined with Almécegas or another nearby waterfall. And because it is a very popular place, the ideal is to arrive early or try to arrive later in the afternoon.

Now that you've got all the tips, all you have to do is set up the itinerary, choose the accommodation using BITBOOK.NET, pack your suitcase and throw yourself into the charm of this amazing place.

I have no doubt that you will have unforgettable days. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments and we'll be happy to answer them!

Safe travel and enjoy this amazing place!

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