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Height map


Tessellation Chapter I: Rendering Terrain using Height Maps

When terrain (without any caves or overhangs) is being rendered, a mesh can be perturbed based on a height map. The height map is a grayscale image with the texel value corresponding to the distance a vertex should be moved along its normal. In order to have highly detailed terrain it is necessary to have a high resolution mesh.

In this chapter we will render the corresponding terrain using a static method:

  1. Precomputing on the CPU a high resolution mesh

The next chapter will give us comparable results, greater control & flexibility, and better performance.

CPU Implementation

Below is a height map of Iceland used throughout this chapter. The height map was generated using Tangram Heightmapper.

Iceland Height Map

We will read in the height map data into an array that stores the pixel data.

// load height map texture
int width, height, nChannels;
unsigned char *data = stbi_load("resources/heightmaps/iceland_heightmap.png",
                                &width, &height, &nChannels,

We'll now generate a mesh that matches the resolution of our image. The above stbi_load() method will set the variables width and height to the size of the image and data will contain width * height * nChannels elements. Our mesh will then be an array consisting of width x height vertices. For the sample height map provided, this will result in a mesh of 1756 x 2624 vertices for a total of 4,607,744 vertices.

We'll use a Vertex Buffer Object (VBO) to specify the vertex data of the mesh. Our mesh will be centered at the origin, lie in the XZ-plane, and have a size of width x height. Each vertex will be one unit apart in model space. The vertex will then be displayed along the surface normal (the Y-axis) based on the corresponding location from the height map. The following image helps visualize how the mesh will be built up by a set of vertices.

Mesh Vertices

We'll now populate each mesh vertex as follows.

// vertex generation
std::vector<float> vertices;
float yScale = 64.0f / 256.0f, yShift = 16.0f;  // apply a scale+shift to the height data
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < height; i++)
    for(unsigned int j = 0; j < width; j++)
        // retrieve texel for (i,j) tex coord
        unsigned char* texel = data + (j + width * i) * nChannels;
        // raw height at coordinate
        unsigned char y = texel[0];

        // vertex
        vertices.push_back( -height/2.0f + i );        // v.x
        vertices.push_back( (int)y * yScale - yShift); // v.y
        vertices.push_back( -width/2.0f + j/ );        // v.z

In the above code, the vertices vector will be storing the (x, y, z) coordinate all of the vertices separately. The vector will ultimately have a size of widht*height*3 elements. The two for loops go through each texel in the height map and texel is then retrieving the ij-th texel from the height map. The height map is grayscale so we'll store the first channel (regardless if the actual texel is comprised of three RGB channels or a single channel) as the value we'll use for the y coordinate, or height, of the vertex on the mesh. We now can calculate the XYZ coordinate of the current vertex in the mesh:

  • v.x = We'll have these range from -width/2 to width/2. This would correspond to the x dimension our ground would span in our scene.
  • v.y = This is the height of each vertex to give our mesh elevation. The y value we get out of our height map is within the range [0, 256]. We use the yScale to serve two purposes: (1) normalize the height map data to be within the range [0.0f, 1.0f] (2) scale it to the desired height we wish to work with. This now puts the values within the range [0.0f, 64.0f]. We finally apply a shift to translate the elevations to our final desired range, in this case [-16.0f, 48.0f]. You can choose the scale and shift you wish to apply based on your application.
  • v.z = We'll have these range from -height/2 to height/2. This would correspond to the z dimension our ground would span in our scene.

After building up the vertex array, we can release the height map from memory.


We'll ultimately render the mesh as a sequence of triangle strips, so we'll use an Element Buffer Object (EBO) to connect the vertices in to triangles. The mesh will be broken into triangle strips across each row. In the image, each colored triangle strip corresponds to a single triangle strip for row i across columns j.

Mesh Triangle Strips

Each triangle strip has its vertices ordered by alternating from the top row to the bottom row.

Mesh Triangle Strip Numbering

We can efficiently create a strip by alternating between row i and row i+1 as we sweep across all columns j.

Mesh Triangle Strip Generic Numbering

The indices for each triangle strip is generated by the following tripley nested for loop.

// index generation
std::vector<unsigned int> indices;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < height-1; i++)       // for each row a.k.a. each strip
    for(unsigned int j = 0; j < width; j++)      // for each column
        for(unsigned int k = 0; k < 2; k++)      // for each side of the strip
            indices.push_back(j + width * (i + k));

There are two values we need to know when rendering, so we'll compute these at this time. The first value is the number of strips to be rendered and the second value is the number of vertices per strip. These values directly correlate to the three loops above.

const unsigned int NUM_STRIPS = height-1;
const unsigned int NUM_VERTS_PER_STRIP = width*2;

Each strip will be comprised of NUM_VERTS_PER_STRIP - 2 triangles and our full mesh will contain NUM_STRIPS * (NUM_VERTS_PER_STRIP - 2) triangles. The Iceland height map contains 1,755 strips with 5,246 triangles each for a total of 9,206,730 triangles!

With all of our mesh data now computed, we can set up our Vertex Array Object (VAO) on the GPU.

// register VAO
GLuint terrainVAO, terrainVBO, terrainEBO;
glGenVertexArrays(1, &terrainVAO);

glGenBuffers(1, &terrainVBO);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, terrainVBO);
             vertices.size() * sizeof(float),       // size of vertices buffer
             &vertices[0],                          // pointer to first element

// position attribute
glVertexAttribPointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, (void*)0);

glGenBuffers(1, &terrainEBO);
glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, terrainEBO);
             indices.size() * sizeof(unsigned int), // size of indices buffer
             &indices[0],                           // pointer to first element

And finally it's time to render the mesh strip by strip.

// draw mesh
// render the mesh triangle strip by triangle strip - each row at a time
for(unsigned int strip = 0; strip < NUM_STRIPS; ++strip)
    glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP,   // primitive type
                   NUM_VERTS_PER_STRIP, // number of indices to render
                   GL_UNSIGNED_INT,     // index data type
                   (void*)(sizeof(unsigned int)
                             * NUM_VERTS_PER_STRIP
                             * strip)); // offset to starting index

When rendering, we'll pass the y coordinate of our vertex from the vertex shader to the fragment shader. In the fragment shader, we'll then normalize this value (using the reverse shift & scale from above) to convert it into a grayscale value. The resulting terrain is displayed below from two different view points.

CPU Terrain Overworld CPU Terrain Ground View

Below is a wireframe displaying the resolution of the mesh.

CPU Terrain Wireframe

You can find the full source code for the CPU terrain height map demo here.

The above implementation works but has its deficiencies:

  • The mesh generation is time intensive ( O(n2) - Refer back to vertex generation and index generation).
  • The mesh storage is memory intensive to store the vertices and indices
    ( width * height * 3 * sizeof(float) + width * (height+1) * sizeof(unsigned int) - almost 72MB in our example).
  • The mesh has a fixed uniform resolution (width * height vertices and (height-1) * (width*2) triangles - 4,607,744 vertices and 9,206,730 triangles in our example).
  • The Vertex Shader needs to process a minimum of width * height vertices.
  • To draw the entire mesh, we need to have height - 1 draw calls.

In the next chapter, we'll offload the work to the GPU making use of tessellation shaders to improve the performance & memory footprint while also making the rendering adaptive to the necessary level of detail.


Article by: Dr. Jeffrey Paone
Contact: email