The Iwagumi style


The Iwagumi style is based on a rock arrangement enhanced by a clean and turf vegetation, is one of the most challenging aquascaping styles out there, It is used to refer to an aquascape that traditionally uses stone as the only hardscape material. Developed around thirty-three years ago by Takashi Amano the most famous  aquarist, this wild style of aquascape represents not just a minimalist layout, it also reflects the Japanese culture, spirituality and love for beauty and simplicity. a lot of you have heard the expression Iwagumi, exclusively if you frequent some of the more popular “forum” based websites combined with our aquascaping hobby. a lot truly do not differentiate what this translates to in English. The Iwagumi term itself comes from the Japanese “rock formation.” In a Japanese rock garden, rocks provide the ‘bony’ of the layout and mostly consist of three rocks; one major or large rock flanked by two smaller rocks, but not of equal size. When the rock arrangement is placed correctly, the rest of the layout will clearly fall into place. In our hobby, this has been taken far Behind three rocks but, the main principles should still be used.

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