CHANEL – Paradoxal

I have resisted reviewing Paradoxal, mainly because I didn’t think I could do this mysterious and unique colour proper justice.  Trying to get an accurate photo of this polish is a scary process, let me tell you.  I was able to get a shot of the shimmer when the bottle was tilted slightly, but the picture of the bottle taken straight on is far from accurate…..sorry about that!


CHANEL – Paradoxal


This is one of those colours that I’m sure every other brand wished they had thought of first; it appears at times as a deep creme dusky plum, then you move your hands and you get flashes of vibrant purple shimmer. At other times it seems almost brown based, which quickly changes to a mouse-like grey.  There are also hints of taupe, lilac, and mushroom, all dependant on lighting and hand movement.  This is truly the ‘mood ring’ of the nail polish world!

The closeup shots give a fairly accurate depiction of how this shade comes across; you can clearly see the purple flash in the center and the edges show how deep this colour can go.  The application, as with all CHANEL polishes, was exceptional, dried streak-free and the narrow brush means better control.  All pictures are with base coat, two coats of polish and top coat.

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