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What is Taichi Chuan?

It’s like the ocean in movement. The same thing must occur inside the body. When we do Taichi Chuan, the entire body is in movement.


Although this is a martial art, the movements are gentle, not violent. The firmness and gentleness of the movements show the yin and yang.All the movements flow gently, with freedom, but they are also very powerful. By doing Taichi Chuan, inner strength gradually and continually grows. 


There are three large requirements to learn: relaxation, firmness and concentrating thought:



Without this internal and external coordination, the mind cannot be in agreement with physical movement. Practising the art of Taichi Chuan entails using all parts of the body, moving them as one, in harmony. 


The ten essential principles to properly do Taichi Chuan are fundamental:


1. Holding the head upright, naturally, to relax the neck muscles.

2. Letting the chest fall and raising the back.

3. Relaxing the waist.

4. Distinguishing between sold and empty.

5. Letting the shoulders and elbows fall.

6. Using the mind, and not brute strength.

7. Coordinating the top and bottom parts of the body.

 8. Unifying your interior and exterior.

9. Continuity in movement, slow, without stopping.

10. Seeking serenity in activity. Taichi Chuan has many health benefits.

Practising this discipline can be viewed as a sort of Chikung: “Chi” – energy – and “Kung” – work -. Taichi Chuan gives us vitality, working on strength and the position of the extremities, as well as proper body alignment. This is how Taichi Chuan increases strength, muscular flexibility and balance. It is able to increase muscle strength and reduce bone loss (calcium) for post-menopausal women. The slow, gentle movements make the Chi circulate, and blood pressure in the legs moves the blood, without raising the heart rate much. Gentle breathing from the diaphragm, makes the diaphragm help the heart to pump blood. The torso movements massage internal organs, helping to renew the blood they contain. Thanks to all of this, it improve aerobic response and reduces blood pressure. Lastly, the mind must be concentrated, either on movement, breathing or energy circulation. As such, the Taichi Chuan mind has nothing to do with abandon, but rather with the fullest focus possible. This can be viewed as a meditation in movement. This produces a response of relaxation. This is why it has been proven that it improves anxiety, as well as the quality of sleep.

Because of all these benefits, I encourage you to prevent any illness or to improve your health by enjoying regular Taichi Chuan practise.

Important Four Principles:

“Zhin”- Diligence.

“Hen”- Perseverance.

“Li”- Respect.

“Zhen”- Sincerity.



Maribel Marín Sánchez -Taichi Chuan Master, in the traditional Yang style, 1st Dan black belt. Arena Sport Centre (Alicante)


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