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Last updated: Thursday 30 Nov 2006
What's Britney doing?
Britney Spears getting out of car
Britney Spears has been getting in and out of cars minus her knickers. Have you seen the pics?
Since filing for divorce from K-Fed, she’s been out partying hard with Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton.

Her record company Jive is worried the knickerless late nights out are getting in the way of her career.

She is reported to have missed recording sessions since ditching K-Fed earlier this month.
Is this the best way for Britney to deal with her marriage break-up? Is she doing it for the publicity? How do you deal with a split? Stay at home or hit the town big-style?

If she carries on like this she'll lose her kids. She needs to wake up and realise that life doesnt revolve just around her anymore. And if she has all that money why cant she buy herself a pair of knickers?

i say leave her alone shes been with a jerk and is just letting her hair down its all showbiz or pr who cares brit is back gota be a good thing

she should concentrate on beenin a mother to her children. but if she want to go out then who actually cares.

Keep up the good work lol, nothing better then some free porn I guess haha! Seriously though that’s a mother of 2 children she should have more sense. You expect that from people like Courtney love etc but not someone who wants to aim her music at teenagers because end of the day they going to do the same stupid stuff!

I congratulate her

If I was Britney I'd be going on a complete bender too! She has everything to celebrate - she has finally woken up to the fact that K-Fed is complete eedyat waste of space...and she's FREE! She can get those famous abs back and realease some fresh music insted of playing wifey to some redneck trailer trash chief.

I don't understand why this has become such a big deal. A lot of girls go commando to avoid the dreaded vpl, luckily we don't have photographers taking shady upskirt photos. Its not like the girl was staggering about the street flashing herself, she was out having a good time with another girl her age. Why the media are portraying this as a sign that she is a bad, alcoholic mother who cares more about drink than her kids I have no idea, we are not in the dark ages where women become confined to the house in sackcloth the minute they have children. So long as the kids are not affected then why pass judgement, there are a lot of bad parents out there, why not publicise that and try and change kids lives for the better rather than waste time debating whether or not Britney is "trash" or not due to her lack of underwear???

Give the girl a break. She obviously likes the idea of reinventing herself as the 'the new party girl on road'. thats what celebs do - they reinvent themselves, they create drama in order to increase column inches and ensure they're not forgotten. you go girl

I think Britney should be allowed to deal with this in any way she wants. itsnot everyday your marriage goes down the pan. especially when theres kids involved. I know shell bounce back when shes ready and supprise us with another sexy song and video to prove to us shes back to her old self.

Britney seem to be morphing into Courtney Love

sarah n mark
it is up to britney if she wants to party but getting out of a car with no knickers on under her dress is a little bit too reveiling and she should think about what her friends and family will see.

Its obviously a PR stunt, but to be honest who cares! Her music is rubbish and she is not even fit any more - she should give up and conectrate on being a mum

Why do we care? The woman has had a bad time, let her do her thing. At least if hubby does release the video we've seen it ALL already!!! We have spent years hounding her. Give her a break.

Who cares?

I think she's trying to promote her pheromones. Why keep a lid on it, just let those pheromones run wild...

hasn't she just had two kids? partying with paris hilton? since when have those two been friends? seems like you can take the trash out of the trailer but not the trailer out of the trash huh?

Oh look at that, BS starts acting all crazy and everyone be talking her name. And rolling with Paris Hilton is guaranteed some space column space. Looks like the PR people behind her earnt their money.

Maybe she needs to keep that area well ventilated? What is a good way of dealing with a marriage break up? Is it best to sit around wallowing in self pity? Or getting out there and finding someone else! I think I'd be out on the town enjoying the freedom. I don't think she need to try and get publicity the papers hound her enough as it is!

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