comic art by Henfil

Henrique de Souza Filho, who used the pseudonym Henfil, started his career in comics in magazines Alterosa and Diário de Minas. He created comics such as 'Zeferino', 'Bode Orellana', 'Os Fradins', 'Orelhão', 'Urubu', 'Pó de Arroz', 'Bacalhau', 'Ubaldo and Paranóico', but his most famous was 'Graúna'. He tried to get work in the United States, but found that his work was considered too "aggressive" for mainstream publication, and more suited to the underground. He returned to Brazil, where his comics steadily grew in popularity. At the height of his career, when his work appeared in all main Brazilian newspapers, he died of AIDS after a contaminated blood transfusion. Other comic writers/artists who passed away from AIDS have been Allen Shapiro, Copi, Keith Haring, Dom Orejudos, Neal Pozner and Ted Stearn. Henfil was also known as a succesful writer, film director and TV animator.

comic art by Henfil

Graúna, by Henfil

Henfil site

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