From Eerie, by Gutenberg Monteiro

Gutemberg Monteiro is a Brazilian illustrator, known in the United States as Goott. He was mainly active from the 1940s through the 1980s. Monteiro was born in Faria Lemos, Minas Gerais, and began his career in 1943, drawing for the comic books published by Rio Gráfica e Editora (RGE). He drew covers for 'Fantasma' ('The Phantom'), 'Mandrake', 'X-9' and 'Ferdinando' ('Li'l Abner'). He also worked on Brazilian stories with 'The Phantom'.

In the 1960s, Monteiro was invited to work in the USA. He contributed to the Warren magazines Eerie and Creepy, and then illustrated many 'Tom & Jerry' Sunday pages under the pen name Goott, as well as 'Casper the Friendly Ghost' and 'Hot Stuff the Little Devil' stories. He passed away from a cerebral ischemia in December 2012, at the age of 96.

Tom & Jerry by Goott

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