Sherlock Holmes In Italy
The Italian Sherlockian AGM is this weekend

Sherlock Holmes In Italy

Uno Studio In Holmes is the Sherlock Holmes Society in Italy and in they have their annual general meeting this week - 27th-29th January. You can download the programme here [Uno Studio in Holmes].

It's great timing as I am sure there will be a lot of discussion around BBC Sherlock Series 4.

Some interesting facts about Sherlock Holmes in Italy:

.....and most importantly Italian publishers are producing lots of Sherlock Holmes books in Italian.

  • Mondadori have a special book series called Il Giallo Mondadori Sherlock which brings novels from publishers all over the world and translates them into Italian. There are big names in there including Edgar Award nominee Lyndsay Faye, Baker Street Babe Amy Thomas, Kieran Lyne (the youngest author to receive the Conan Doyle Estate Seal), Dan Andriacco and many others.
  • Delos Digital have a short story collection in ebook format - Sherlockiana is similar to the Mondadori collection but for short stories - with hundreds already released.

By day Steve Emecz works in eCommerce and fintech, and at the weekend runs MX Publishing, the world's largest independent publishers of Sherlock Holmes books. You can follow his Sherlock Holmes specific blog on mxpublishing.tumblr and on Twitter @mxpublishing

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