Neoseeker : News : Resident Evil 5 "Versus" DLC announced
2 thumbs!
kspiess Mar 12, 09
I'm the only dude who things this is sort of lame? It seems to me that this is a bit of rip-off; they obviously could have included in the full release of the game.

As many people (including myself) thought when DLC started, DLC is slowly going from 'expansion stuff that is added on later, and sold down the road' to 'big parts of the game that are released soon after release, that you need to buy after buying the game in order to get the complete package.'

Stuff like GTA's Lost and Damned is great and a good deal; stuff like this is just a money-grab IMHO. I don't think people should buy it if they can resist it; otherwise so many more games will just come out incomplete.
0 thumbs!
chautemoc Mar 12, 09
Well they did the same kinda thing with the Street Fighter IV costume packs...Capcom I guess is one of the companies that gives DLC a bad name. But there are worse flaws in a company, I suppose.
0 thumbs!
VeGiTAX2 Mar 12, 09
I totally hear you on the mode download, it's pretty absurd to say the least given that they coded the entire mode into the game itself and was axed simply to turn some better sales #'s while the game is still hot. :/

Content expansions are one thing, unlock codes are another story.
1 thumbs!
kspiess Mar 12, 09
The costume packs I'm not super-aggravated against. Although it does seem sort of cheap not to include them.

But a whole game mode being made DLC, a few weeks after release? That's line-steppin' !
0 thumbs!
RabidChinaGirl Mar 12, 09
Capcom announced the costume packs for SFIV before the game was officially released as well. I'm all for DLC if it means devs will keep that game alive... such as in Fable 2's case, but Capcom seems to be using DLC to sell the actual game itself. Kinda odd.
0 thumbs!
Guest Mar 15, 09
I think that is airlocked....
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