Daniel Bernard

creating Drumming Videos

  • 125 publicaciones

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Drum Chatroom!
 / mes
This tier gets you into our private chatroom where you can ask questions and get feedback and hang out with our community of drummers!
  • Drum Chatroom!
Lo más popular
Beginner Drummer
 / mes
This is for beginner drummers! I'll be breaking down foundational drum patterns and doing monthly lessons covering drum beats, counting, and songs. Also, after becoming a patron, you get to help choose what content comes next!

You get:
- Monthly Rudiment (foundational drum pattern) Lesson
- Monthly Drum lesson (beat or song explanation)
- Patron Content Polls (you pick what I post!)
  • Monthly Rudiment (foundational drum pattern) Lesson
  • Monthly Drum lesson (Beat or Song explanation)
  • Drum Chatroom!
Intermediate Drummers
 / mes
All Access!
 / mes

Publicaciones recientes de Daniel Bernard

Daniel Bernard

Desbloquea 125 publicaciones

Desbloquea 125 publicaciones exclusivas y súmate a una comunidad en crecimiento
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