Ana Holck

(this page was last updated in October 2023)

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1977.
Lives and works in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Represented by Zipper Galeria and Anita Schwartz

PIPA 2010 and 2011 nominee.

Since 2001 Ana Holck has held several solo exhibitions of large scale installations, such as “Bastidor :(Backstage) at Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil of Rio de Janeiro (2010); “Elevated” at Paço Imperial, Rio de Janeiro (2005), “Quarteirão” (Block) at Mariantonia, USP (2004), “Fugue” at FUNARTE Rio de Janeiro (2004), In Transit at Candido Portinari Gallery, UERJ (2003), and the Centro Cultural São Paulo (2003), among other venues. In 2006 she has held “Notas Sobre Obras” (Construction Site Notes) at the Mercedes Viegas Arte Contemporânea and Virgilio galleries and “Canteiro de Obras” (Construction Site) in the Projects Series at the Paço das Artes in São Paulo.

She has been awarded the “Prêmio Funarte de Artes Plásticas Marcantonio Vilaça” (2009), the “UniversidArte” (2007) and “Projéteis FUNARTE” (2005) prizes, as well as the “8th edition of the RIOARTE Fellowship Program” (2004). While studying architecture, she received the “Paviflex” (IAB/ SP, 2001) and “Arquiteto do Amanhã” (IAB-RJ, 2000) prizes.

The artist has participated in several group exhibitions, including “Lugar Algum” (SESC Pinheiros, São Paulo, 2010), “Borderless Generation: Contemporary Art of Latin America” (Korea Foundation, Seoul, 2009), “Trilhas do Desejo – Rumos Artes Visuais” (Instituto Itaú Cultural, 2009), “Nova Arte Nova” (Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, 2008), “Novas Aquisições” (New Acquisitions), “2006-2007 – Gilberto Chateaubriand Collection” (Museum of Modern Art of Rio de Janeiro).

Her works belongs in the Instituto Itaú Cultural, the Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro (Gilberto Chateaubriand Collection), the Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo, the Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo and the Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Niterói, as well as several Brazilian and foreign private collections.


Video produced by Matrioska Filmes exclusively for PIPA 2011:

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