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Tiago Junges

1ª Edição
Edição do Autor
Porto Alegre
Writing: Tiago Junges
Art: Rafael Ribeiro Sinnott |
Graphic Design: Aline Maria Rebelo |
Proofreading: Caio Romero |

Lucas Conegundes, Caio Romero, Aline Rebelo, Kevin M Oliveira, Tarcisio Lucas Hernandes Pereira, Felipe Pep,
Victor Castro, Tiago Jedson, Vitor Gabriel, Marcelo Collar, Luciano Abel e Gabriel Uso-tsuki.

S p e c i a l T h a nk s
This book is dedicated to my three little angels at home. My tricky daughter Emma Junges, my talented wife Aline
Maria Rebelo, and, finally, to my little puppy Buffy!

Thank you so much to everyone who helped produce this book! Mainly to the great illustrator and friend Rafael
Ribeiro Sinnott! I say that this book is our newest masterpiece. His arts are fantastic and made this game more
alive than ever!

I am grateful to Caio Romero, who plunged into the difficult task of correcting my texts, which can sometimes be
very confusing and poorly written. Caio also playtested the game and is a full game designer too!

Thanks again to my wife Aline Maria Rebelo who takes care of all the graphic and artistic part of Coisinha Verde
and was instrumental together with Rafa to shape the face of this game!

I am grateful to the great master Tarcísio Lucas, who is our prophet of the “Solo RPG”. In addition to being a won-
derful person, Tarcísio runs the group “Solo RPG“ which is our oasis in a toxic desert.

And finally, thank you to everyone who played and tested this game!
Each of you made it happen!
Have a great game!

Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Fonte (CIP)

J95r Junges, Tiago

Ronin – Porto Alegre: [Edição de Tiago Junges], 2019.
32f. : il.

ISBN: 978-85-922369-3-9

1. Jogos de Aventura. 2. Jogos de fantasia. I. Título.

CDD: 793.9

Acacio Pereira, Adriano Alves Farias, Adriano De Oliveira Santos Ayub, Adriano Peres, Alderico Leão Lima Neto, Alessandro Barreto
Miranda, Alessandro Do Valle Nunes, Alexandre Baraldi Ramos, Alexandre Chaves Pauli, Alexandre Selliach, Alexsander Araujo, Alex-
sander Cardoso De Oliveira, Alexsandro Teixeira Cuenca, Alisson Vitório De Lima, Allan Macedo De Novaes, Álvaro Freitas, Alves Rodri-
go, Ana Flávia Costa Machado, Ana Paula Scorsin Teixeira, Anderson Brambilla Chaves, Anderson Cerqueira Da Silva, Andre Bruno
Lourenço Da Silva, André Carvalho, André De Melo Sobral, Andre Luis Albuquerque Campos, Andre Luis Ribeiro Leite, André Luiz Mar-
condes Pontes, Andre Russo Moreira, Andre Teruya Eichemberg, Andrew Piccioni, Angelo Dias, Antonio Augusto De Lima Baptista,
Antônio Ricart Jacinto De Oliveira Medeiros, Aristeu Ricardo Ribeiro , Arthur Câmara, Arthur Giacobbo Brandão, Artur Nestor Patricio,
Bernardo De Freitas Raulino, Bernardo Gonçalves Vieira Galdino, Breno Marcondes Penna Da Rocha, Bruno Adell, Bruno Alves Botelho,
Bruno Alves Rocha, Bruno Correa Mendes, Bruno Da Silva Assis, Bruno Felipe Pereira Gonçalves, Bruno Felix De Oliveira, Bruno Lucov-
eic, Bruno Otávio Guidi, Bruno Pinto Araujo, Bruno Soares Pinto Costa, Bruno Venceslau De Santana Pereira, Bruno Vinicius Scodeller
Silva, C. Jos Bravo, Caio Oliveira, Carlos A Pereira, Carlos Alexandre Fedrigo, Carlos Novello Ribeiro, Cassiano Machado, Cassio Fer-
nando Carvalheiro Ravagnani , Cesar Questor, Cezar Capacle, Cezar Henrique Pacheco De Oliveira , Cezar Reis De Oliveira, Christo-
pher Kastensmidt, Clarice França, Clauber Alex, Cleo Reis, Cristiane Biazin, Cristiane Lopes De Oliveira Alves, Cristiano Bezerra, Cris-
tiano Firmo Do Canto Orlando, Daniel Castro, Daniel Centeno, Daniel De Mattos Jusi, Daniel Maioni Araújo De Assis, Daniel Morais,
Daniel Serafim, Danilo Ferreira Pinto, Danilo Kapp, Danilo Rolim Meira, Dausee, Davi Amancio, Denny Naka, Dheyrdre Machado, Dhuane
Caroline Monteiro Da Silva, Dido Eliphas Leão De Alencar, Diego Lobo Gualberto, Diego Soares Da Silva, Diogo Lima Barreto, Diogo
Nogueira, Dmitri Guimarães Lima, Doug Silva, Dudley Schmidt, Eder Da Costa Marques, Eder Da Silveira De Almeida, Edgar Lacerda
De Aguiar, Eduardo Delabari Maracci, Eduardo Elfman, Eduardo Ferezim, Eduardo Fernandes Augusto, Eduardo Gouget, Eduardo
Gouvêa, Eduardo Lourenco Martins, Eduardo Maciel Ribeiro, Eduardo Menescal, Eduardo Miranda Borges, Eduardo Rodrigues, Elton
Veiga, Elysio Laroide Lugarinho, Enzo Marchetti Thomasi, Érico Jorge Mota Florentino, Evelin Iensem, Everton De Andrade, Ewerton
Barbosa, Fabiana Prieto Gonçalves Da Silva, Fabiano Da Silva Silveira, Fábio Carrer Andreis, Fabio Carvalho, Fábio Rogério L Rezende,
Fábrica Editora, Fabrício De Carvalho, Felipe De Castro Andrade, Felipe De Melo Maia Madruga, Felipe De Oliveira Dos Santos, Felipe
Eduardo Portela De Paulo, Felipe Genuino De Oliveira, Felipe Igor, Felipe Lara, Felipe Leandro De Oliveira, Felipe Patron, Felipe Serren-
ho, Fernando Antonio Santos Da Silva, Fernando César Medalha, Fernando Diehl, Fernando Fenero, Fernando Fiorin, Fernando Guedes,
Fernando Mauricio Carneiro Filho, Fernando Netto, Filipe Gomes Sena, Filipe Rehder, Fillipe Duarte Muniz Gaspar, Flavio Rodrigo Sacil-
otto , Francisco Sedrez Warmling, Fulvio A. Silva, Gabriel Bisuli, Gabriel Correia, Gabriel Fortuna Rodrigues, Gabriel Gomes Rocha,
Gabriel José Augusto Silva, Gabriel Mezzena Lopes , Gabriel Murpf, Gabriel Ribeiro, Gabriel Silva Azevedo, Gabrielle Nunes, George
Igor Faustino Santiago , Gilvan A.P, Giorgio Fortunato, Giuliano Tuma, Gláucio Magalhães, Guilherme Bortolloti Postbiegel, Guilherme
Carrion, Guilherme Cavalcante Targino, Guilherme Dos Reis Rodrigues, Guilherme Felga, Guilherme Sassaki, Gustaf Buchholtz, Gustavo
Da Rocha Pereira, Gustavo Farias, Gustavo Melnecenko, Gustavo Seben Colle, Gustavo Toscan Da Silva, Heder Loose, Helder Torres,
Helio Rodrigues Machado Neto, Henrique Arakaki, Henrique Degrecci Guilmo, Henrique Ribeiro Lemos, Henrique Sérgio Lima Costa,
Henry Guimarães Lima, Higgor Vioto, Higor De Oliveira Barbosa, Historiart Studio, Hugo Rebonato, Humberto Grillo Celia-Silva, Igor
“Bone” Toscano, Igor José Souza Mascarenhas, Isa Miranda, Isaiane De Mendonça Silva, Iury De Paula Lopes, Janaína De Sousa, Jean
Berardinelli Ricieri, Jean Correa, Jeferson Ferreira, Jefferson Alberto Ferreira, Jefferson Miranda Pimentel, Jerônimo Medina Madruga,
Jesiel Luis Ternero, Jessé Araújo, Joao Amadeu Nascimento Vieira, Joao Comoreto Jr., João Gabriel Cavalli, João Henrique Monteiro
Leite, João Mário Soares Silva, Joao Pedro Aquino, João Ricardo Bittencourt, Joao Vitor, João Zeigler, Jonas De Moraes Custódio,
Jonatas Bermudes, Jonathan Zibemberg, Jorge Dos Santos Valpaços, José Antonio Dos Santos, Jose Eduardo Barbosa Marques Ju-
nior, José Noce Bones De Souza, Joubert De Melo Ratis, Ju Medeiros, Juan Campos Barezzi, Julio Cesar Santos Vieira, Kátia Lepinski,
Kelwin Oliveira Fernandes, Kevin De Paula, Kevin_Andr, Lais Cristina, Lande Rodrigues Cunha , Larissa Fagundes Lacerda, Laurence
Duarte Araújo Pereira, Lauro Henrique De Castro Tomiatti, Leandro Fiamenghi, Leny Paula, Leo Aguiar, Leonardo Carneiro, Leonardo
Santos Cornetti Neves, Lielson Zeni, Livia Von Sucro, Luan Peixoto, Lucas Borges Da Silva, Lucas Conegundes Da Silva, Lucas Franchi-
ni Alves, Lucas Gomes, Lucas Henrique, Lucas Martins Da Silva Lino, Lucas Monteiro, Lucas Roberto De Morais, Lucas Spanghero,
Luciana Liscano Rech, Luciano Campos Tardock, Luis Felipe A Nascimento, Luis Felipe Dos Santos Cardoso, Luis Felipe Nadal Unfried,
Luis Gustavo Chrispim De Oliveira, Luis Henrique Hunzecher Ferreira, Luiz Fernando Marques Ferreira, Maciel Rodrigues De Sousa
Júnior, Maike André, Manoel Mozzer, Márbilis Duete Freitas, Marcel Ibaldo, Marcelo Augusto Galvao, Marcelo Collar, Marcelo Lacerda
De Góes Telles, Marcelo Souza, Márcio Da Silva Kubiach, Marcio Luis Gimenes, Márcio Tadeu Alves Júnior, Marcio Velleda Da Silveira,
Marco Bini, Marcos “Lonely Shadow” Mancini, Marcos Araujo, Marcos Souza Ferreira, Marcus Vinicius Paula Pereira, Maria Carolina
Bernardino , Mariana Caetano Dos Santos Rocha, Mariana Gomes, Marley Luciano Vital Filho, Mateus Higashi, Mateus Porto Calson,
Matheus Amilton De Souza, Matheus Bayer, Matheus Cavalcanti, Matheus Dos Santos Rocha, Matheus Ulisses Xenofonte, Maurício
Martins Pacheco, Michel Da Silva Vasconcelos Freire, Michell Victor Souza De Azevedo , Miguel Vasconcellos Peters Garcia, Mike An-
dreolla, Moisés Tedeschi De Melo, Monocelho_Mann, Mucio Breckenfeld, Murilo Eloz De Melo, Nariel Peixoto De Oliveira, Natan Fer-
nandes, Natan Moraes, Natascha Paschoalique, Oran Takezo Kalil, Orlando F.Santiago, Panon Corvo Da Tempestade, Pedro Borges,
Pedro Costa, Pedro Rehder Filho, Pedro Secchi, Pedro Silva Dias, Pedro Xavier Borges, Rafael Baldo, Rafael Cesário Braga , Rafael
Cruz, Rafael Da Silveira Oliveira, Rafael Duarte Pinto De Oliveira Coelho, Rafael Epelman, Rafael Lins, Rafael Lopes Vivian, Rafael Nico-
lau Elias De Oliveira, Rafael Panczinski De Oliveira, Rafael Quevedo, Rafael Wernek Soares, Raphael Lima, Renan Pereira Gerber, Rena-
to Alves, Renato Pignatari Pereira, Ricardo Bordenousky, Robert Reis, Roberto Dantas Dos Santos Filho, Roberto Silva Levita, Rodolfo
Vieira Maximiano, Rodrigo Calegario, Rodrigo Charles O. Cardoso, Rodrigo Lopes De Aquino, Rodrigo Minan De Oliveira Crus, Rodrigo
Montecchio, Rodrigo Otávio Silva Pereira, Rodrigo Pompilio, Rodrigo Rosas Campos, Rogerio Hashimoto, Rozana De Oliveira Guim-
arães Moreira, Ruan Biank, Saulo Medeiros Aride, Sergio Barretto, Sharpshooter, Simone Rolim De Moura, Stella Alves, Tainã Franco
Domingues, Tales De Azevedo E Vasconcellos, Talita Almeida, Talita Paixão, Tarcisio Lucas Hernandes Pereira, Thais Evaristo Sousa,
Thalock, Thiago Anastácio De Paula, Thiago Biajoli Martins , Thiago Da Silveira Batista, Thiago Ferreira De Lima, Thiago Garcia, Thiago
Massimino Suarez, Thiago Pereira Silva, Thiago Rosa Shinken, Thiago Schenatto, Thimaeus Dos Santos Freitas, Tiago Jedson, Tiago
Lacerda Queiroz Carvalho, Tiago Mendonça Marinho, Tilber Guglielmi, Tobias Cancian, Tobias Führ, Ubirael Ribeiro Serra, Vicktor Olivei-
ra, Victor Amorim, Victor Candiani, Victor Luiz Braz De Almeida, Victor Miguez, Victor Peixoto Pereira, Victor Scudeler Bechelli, Vinicius
Silveira Ramos, Vinnicyus Bezerra, Vitor Augusto Do Carmo Sousa, Wanderson Martiniano De Mello, Wendel Sousa Barbosa, Wesley
Alves, Weslley Da Mata Chaves, William Torres, Yuri Aníbal Bravos, Yuri Perkowski Domingos, E “Z”.


Chapter 1 - General Rules............................................... 06

Chapter 2 - Interaction Rules.......................................... 09

Chapter 3 - The Ronin ................................................... 13

Chapter 4 - Noble Clans.................................................. 18

Chapter 5 - The Journey.................................................. 19

Chapter 6 - Allies............................................................. 25

Chapter 7 - Villains.......................................................... 27

I n t r o d u c ti o n
Ronin is a narrative solo game in which the player builds the story of a wanderer in search
of redemption. To play this game, you will need this book, pencil, eraser and two normal
6-sided dice (different colors).

Game World
The focus of this
​​ game is to play in a fictional Japan based on the Japanese feudal era. The
shogunate era, when samurai were the ruling class, especially the Sengoku period. The Daimiô
held military power over entire regions while vying for political influence among themselves. This
game is not meant to be true to Japan’s rich history, but if you have that knowledge and want to
use it in game, you just have to change the name and classification of the clans.
The setting I am proposing in this game will be unfolded by you while playing. By rolling dice
and checking results in tables, you will discover the samurai clans that hold power in the regions
relevant to their story. To understand the setting, it is enough to understand that the samurai
were the ruling class, while the commoners lived under their rule. The Daimiôs families were the
clans who administered the land, also protected by the samurai vassal families.
Your character is someone in the lowest class: a Ronin. A samurai who lost his honor, a lost
wanderer or even a beggar. You are a “wave-man” and do not follow the order of the universe.
Now you are thrown in this world, but with a sword in your hand. What can happen?

Chapter 1 | General Rules
This game is a journey around the world. Your character goes from town to town
with no destination. You will roll in the Route table [Table 11] to determine what happened
on the road and then on the Location table [Table 12] to find out what kind of town it is and
if anything has happened. The result in the tables will tell you what happened and what you
can do, giving you options to develop your story. The game is basically that in cycles. Roll
a Route, Roll a Location, Roll a Route, Roll a Location, etc.

During the game you will encounter enemies and allies, you will earn Reputation
(which indicates how much people are talking about you) and with that, eventually, you will
meet the villains. There are three villains in total that you will encounter and the game ends
after you find, face and defeat the third villain, the Final Villain.

R o l l i ng D i c e unsure of how to do this, just ask yourself ques-

tions like “Where did he get the scar?”, “Why was
You’ll roll the dice a lot and that’s why it’s
he expelled from the family?”, “Who is this person
important to understand how they work. You will
who torments you even in nightmares?”, Etc.
normally roll two dice, one dark (black) and one
light (white). These represent Yin and Yang, re-
S t it chin g t he S t ory
The most common roll will be in the tables.
Ronin is a solo game and therefore has
Some tables require that only one die be rolled to
an improvising mechanic to help build a unique
see the result, while others require that you roll
and exciting story. Rolling through tables and de-
both (black and white).
termining some fragments of the story, you will
The other type of roll is interaction (Talk,
be tasked with stitching these elements into a
Charm, Intimidate and Fight). You will use this
consistent story.
when you are facing another character. In these
The first time you do this will be to create
rolls, the dark die (Yin) represents the opponent
your character’s past. You will roll, among other
and the light die (Yang) represents you.
things, to determine what caste his Family was
from and, on another table, what Recurring Night-
B u i l d i ng your C h a r ac t e r mare he has. If, for example, the result is that it
With the character sheet in hand (see the was from a samurai family, but that was expelled
last page of this book), follow the instructions in from the clan, and that his nightmare is to find
Chapter 3. With all of your character’s informa- yourself “on your knees looking at the sunset”,
tion defined, you will build your character’s past. you can sew these elements saying that you you
The last four tables (Family, Nightmare, Scar and were expelled from the clan after you killed your
Meaning) present information that needs to be father and ran away, only realizing your mistake
stitched together to form your story. If you are when the sun was setting and that’s when you

started to cry in remorse. you win allies and with Determination will define
Note that this “sewing” can be as intense your Honor at the end of the game. You lose
as you prefer, and the tip is to try what your cre- Compassion by killing people or letting innocent
ativity will direct. Use as much drama as you can people suffer, but you can earn Compassion by
and, if in doubt, leave “loose ends”. Don’t worry if making allies or helping people in your journey
you don’t want to define what someone your char- throw the land.
acter has encountered in the past was physically
like, for example. Leaving it open, you can find a Determination: This attribute starts at
possible ally during the game that may be that 2 and represents your willpower. At any point in
character! Leave openness to your creativity and the game, you can spend 1 Determination point
you will be surprised by the twists that this game to roll any die again. You gain Determination by
can bring to your story. resting for a while in a safe place. Find out more
about it on your travels.

W r it i ng your S a ga
You can play Ronin just by following the
N o n P layer C harac t er s
rules in this book. However, a very interesting
option that we recommend is to write down your The game world has many people. In gen-
entire journey in a journal or diary. Each Route eral, these people are extras in your story. At
and Locality comes down to a scene that you can certain times, you will encounter characters that
describe as a script or, if you prefer, in the first may be important in your narrative. There are 4
person, as if it were a character’s real journal. types: Villains, Enemies, Possible Ally and Ally.
You can interact with them in several ways (see
A tt r ib u te s Chapter 2).

Your Ronin has only three attributes: Rep-

Villains: These are not common enemies,
utation, Compassion and Determination. Each
they are the villains of your story and, besides
of these can vary between 0 and 6. During the
being more difficult, they can define the destiny
game, you will gain and lose these points as you
of your story. There will only be three of them in
wander the world and make choices.
your game, the third being the Final Villain. By
defeating the Final Villain, your story will be fin-
Reputation: This attribute starts at zero
and represents how well known your character is
Enemies: These are characters who want
to the people in general. Going through big cities,
to fight you regardless of your motivation.
doing heroic deeds and beating an opponent by
Possible Ally: This is a character who can
leaving him alive are things that will increase your
become an ally, but for that you will have to con-
Reputation. This value will also determine when
vince him.
the Villains will show. The higher your reputation,
Ally: This is a character that you managed
the greater the chance that villains will chase you.
to convince to be on your side. Depending on his
occupation, it will benefits for your character.
Compassion: This attribute starts at 2
and represents your sensitivity to others. It helps

L e av i n g the Trail
During your journey, there may be situations
where your character would do something other
than roaming from town to town. In those mo-
ments, you should think about what exactly that
would be. Maybe your character would like to
visit every shop in the town he is in, or maybe
he wants to chase an enemy that has escaped.
In any of these situations where your character
would be looking for something, roll in the table
S e a r c hi n g for S o m et h i n g

^ You find what you were looking for, but before you have to face an Enemy (Fight +2; Block 1).

% You find what you were looking for, but it ended up drawing a lot of attention. Add 1 Reputation.

$ You find what you were looking for, but it’s not quite what you expected.

# You don’t find what you were looking for.

@ You don’t find what you were looking for and ended up drawing a lot of attention. Add 1 Reputation.

! You don’t find what you were looking for and ended up having to face an Enemy (Fight +2; Block 1).

T h e R e d e m pti o n
After defeating the Final Villain, your character may have achieved redemption. To
find the result, multiply the Determination value by 2 and then add it to the Compassion val-
ue. The total is your character’s Honor value which should be checked in the table below.


2 or less Your character has become a spiteful person or even the villain in someone else’s story.

3-6 Despite what he did, his character is frustrated. He ends his story living as a begger on the streets.

7 - 10 Your character feels he hasn’t done enough. He decides to go to another continent in search of a new life.

11 - 14 Your character feels he has done his part and decides to join his allies somewhere far away.

15 or more Your character became a better person and achieved his redemption. No one else heard of him.

If his honor is too low, he can still try one last action to achieve redemption: Seppuku.
He then takes his own life, adding 2d6 to the result of his honor.

Chapter 2 | Interaction Rules
Whenever you meet a person in the story, you can interact in 4 ways: Talk,
Charm, Intimidate or Fight. There are four types of people: Villains, Enemies, Pos-
sible Ally and Ally. Each interaction will work differently for each type of person.


ALLY Yes --- --- ---

POSSIBLE ALLY Yes Yes --- ---

ENEMY Yes * Yes Yes

VILLAIN Yes --- --- Yes

* Only if your discover his/her “Dark Secret”.

It serves to discover information about the oponent.
To Talk, you must roll the two dice. The dark die reflects the opponent’s resistance and the light
die your ability to articulate. You always add your Determination value to the light die. If the final value
of the light die was greater than the value of the dark die, you were successful.
If successful, you will discover that person’s Past Information. If it failed, you were unable to
discover anything about it through dialogue. It is only possible to do this test again after you find it
again, or after another interaction (including Fighting) has already taken place. If you have already
discovered information about a character’s past, you can try to talk again to find a Dark Secret, but
to do so, increase the value of the black die by +2.

P a st I n f o rm ati o n

^ He tells about the secret of another person or clan. Possibly, someone you don’t know well or haven’t met yet.

% He tells you something about his past that makes you understand his actions in the present.

$ You realize that despite doing what he does, he has a certain hatred of his condition.

# He is a fervent idealist and will die defending what he thinks is right.

@ He says almost nothing. He is very cold, but lets slip that it has some connection with some of your allies.

! He has no interesting background or pertinent information.

D a r k S e c r et

^ He fought in a war and lost someone very important in it.

% He was the victim of a tragedy similar to yours.

$ He is related to someone who has caused you pain in your past.

# He was the cause of a lot of pain, but today he is sorry.

@ He has a crazy dream, but it may not be impossible.

! He’s in love with you.

Charm F i g ht
It serves to make someone your ally. It serves to knock out or kill an opponent.
To charm a Possible Ally, you must roll both Fighting is a little different from other inter-
dice. The dark die reflects the opponent’s resis- actions. To fight you must roll the two dice. The
tance and the light die your empathy capacity. dark die reflects the opponent’s attack and the
You always add your Compassion value to the light die your attack. You must add the Fight mod-
light die. If the final value of the light die was ifiers (described in the Technique) on each side.
greater than the value of the dark die, you were The two values are
​​ then compared and the side
successful. with the highest number is the winner. Nothing
If successful, he will become an Ally. An happens in draws, as one attack canceled the
Ally will appear to help you when needed and other. If the losing side has a Block point, it can
according to his Occupation. You cannot attempt prevent the attack (see below).
to charm a Possible Ally if it is in danger. If you win, you can set your opponent’s des-
tiny by choosing to knock him out or kill him. If
I n t i m i d ate you choose to kill, you lose 1 Compassion. But if
It serves to chase away an opponent. you choose to knock out, you get 1 Reputation.
To Intimidate, you must roll the two dice. If you lose the fight, you will be at the mer-
The dark die reflects the opponent’s resistance cy of your opponent who may have killed you.
and the light die your ability to intimidate. You al- There’s no way of knowing if he let you live or not.
ways add your Reputation value to the light die. So roll a dice. If the result is 1, you are dead. Oth-
If the final value of the light die was greater than erwise, you will wake up somewhere, Wounded
the value of the dark die, you were successful. (-1 in Fight until you recover) and Determination
If successful, your opponent realizes that it reset to zero.
is not worth fighting and leaves. If you fail, the
opponent gains +1 on his next roll to Fight. You
cannot intimidate Villains.

C o mbat C o n d it i o ns The Ronin’s Death
If you are defeated in combat, you must roll
a dice. If the result is 2 or more, your character
Whenever a character receives an attack
wakes up Wounded (-1 in Fight until heals) some-
and has Block points, reduce 1 of those points
where and gets Determination zeroed. But if the
and the attack was Blocked. If you use all Block
result is 1, he is dead.
points in a fight, the next time you lose the roll,
Remember that the death of your character
you will have lost the fight. These points return to
may not be the end of the story. To complete it,
the initial value at the end of the scene (Route or
Location). take an ally (or some character from your past
that makes sense) and restart the game, using
Extra Effort the same villains that have already appeared. Per-
If after rolling your dice, you don’t like the re- haps this new character wants to take revenge
sult, you can spend 1 point of Determination and for the death of the old one, or to finish his mis-
choose one of the dice to roll again. You can do sion. It is your story.
this as many times as you want until your spend
all your Determination points. Healing Wounds
When the Ronin is Wounded, he has to re-
Multiple Opponents cover. Each time you reach a location, roll a die.
If you have more than one opponent, you will If the result is 4 or more it will be fully recovered.
face one by one. Usually starting with the weak- Otherwise, you will have to keep trying in the next
est (if they are different). Imagine it as a series of location.
duels in a row.

If you have Fighters as Allies, they will ap-
pear in the next fight against a Villain, fighting be-
fore you. You cannot make choices for him, who
will only Fight. If loses, he will die at the hands of
the Villain and you will lose 1 of Determination.
Luckily, the villain will not be able to recover the
Block he spent against that ally. If this ally de-
feats the villain, he will be satisfied with that
and will go his own way.

If you are in front of an opponent and
choose not to fight, you lose the duel au-
tomatically. That means he can kill you.
The only difference is that if the enemy
doesn’t kill you, you don’t lose Deter-
mination points.
Chapter 3 | The RONIN
You can create your character by rolling in the tables, or choosing their options. You
must define your Name [Tabela 1], Appearance [Tabela 2], Technique [Tabela 3], Recur-
ring Nightmare [Tabela 8], Family [Tabela 5], Scar [Tabela 6] and the Meaning of Scar
[Tabela 7]. After defining these items, mark your attributes on your character sheet, starting with 0
(zero) in Reputation, 2 in Compassion and 2 in Determination.

T ab e l a 1- a : N a m e (M a l e )
6 5 4 3 2 1
^ Haruto Yamato Yoshiro Kentaro Shin Tadashi

% Riku Benjiro Akira Kioshi Ichiro Takahiro

$ Haru Ginjiro Yuuto Kyo Ryuu Takuma

# Hinata Hansuke Takashi Raiden Kouki Toshiro

@ Kaito Hideo Itsuki Ringo Makoto Hanzo

! Asahi Kenji Reo Sasuke Nobu Mitsukun

T ab e l a 1- b : N a m e (F e m a le )
6 5 4 3 2 1
^ Kokoro Hana Kaoru Mei Sora Ren

% Aika Himari Katara Sakura Suki Aina

$ Emi Akari Kimiko Michi Tamura Takara

# Fumiko Ichika Masami Atsuko Tomoe Shizuka

@ Kagami Sara Mayuko Izumi Yumi Shiori

! Kaida Yui Saori Nanami Yoshihime Noriko

T ab e l a 2: A p p e a r an c e
6 5 4 3 2 1
^ Athletic Athletic * Fat Fat * Thin Thin *

% Tall Tall * Small Small * Tattoo Cover in Tattoo

$ Long Hair Big Eyebrow Redhair Weird Hair Greyhair Bald

# Sex Appeal Collored Eyes Use a Mask Dead Face White Hair Skin Spots

@ Androgene Albine Gigantism Blind Deep Voice Deformed Face

! Blueish Hair Red Eyes Pale Roll again twice

* Roll another time in this table.

T ab e l a 3: T e c h n i q u e

^ Kenjutsu [Katana] (Fight +2; Block 2)

% Iaijutsu [Katana] (Fight +4 in the first roll; Block 2)

$ Niten Ichi-ryu [Katana e Wakizashi] (Fight +1; Block 3)

# Naginata (Fight +2; Block 2)

@ Jitte (Fight +1; If it ties, it destroys the opponent’s blade; Block 2)

! [ Roll in the Uncommon Technique (Table 4) ]

T ab e l a 4: U n c o m mo n T e c h n i q ue

^ Bojutsu [Bastão] (Fight +4 against Swords; Block 2)

% Kusarigama (Fight +0; If you block, get +4 for the next roll; Block 2)

$ Kama (Fight +0; If you block, get +2 for the next roll; Block 3)

# Kanabo (Fight +2 against any weapon but Swords; Block 3)

@ Odachi (Fight +3; Block 1)

! Tonfa (Fight +0; Block 4)

T ab e l a 5: F a m i ly

^ Samurai from a Noble Clan [tables 9 and 10]. You were thrown out of the family for dishonor.

Samurai from an extinct clan (define only the name) after losing a war to another Noble Clan [tables
% 9 and 10].

$ Plebeian family murdered by a Noble Clan [tables 9 and 10] for not paying tribute to the Daimiô.

Plebeian family that revolted against the dominant Noble Clan [tables 9 and 10] and now is perse-
# cuted by it.

Family of renowned artisans. Your father or mother revealed a terrible secret to you before passed
@ away.

Orphan. You were raised by a family of samurai from a Noble Clan [tables 9 and 10] as a servant
! until you were expelled.

Kenjutsu Iaijutsu Niten Ichi-ryu

Jitte Naginata


Kusarigama Kama

Kanabo Odachi Tonfa

T ab e l a 6: S c a r
6 5 4 3 2 1
Long cut on Long cut on
^/% Cut on the Face Cut on the Nose Cuts in the Chest Cuts on the legs
the arm the backs

Cut on the Cut on a blind Long cut on the Long cut on Cut on the Cuts all over
$/# mouth eye Chest one leg hand your body

Burn on the Burn in a side of Burn on the Burn all over Burn all over
@ face your head chest
Burn on a leg
an arm your body

1d6 missing [Roll two

! Missing ear Missing nose Missing eye Missing feet
fingers scars]

T a be l a 7: M e a n i ng of Scar
^ Frustration: Someone very close has betrayed you.

% Honesty: You will give your life to fulfill what you promised.

$ Regret: In the past, you have been extremely cruel and inhuman.

# Sorrow: Someone you love has died.

@ Duty: You have a very clear life mission and you know what to do.

! Revenge: Whoever did this will pay.

T ab e l a 8: R e c u r ri n g N i g ht m a re
A child on his back playing in a garden, until he turns around and you realize that he has
6/5 no face.

^ 4/3 You carrying someone on your arms while you are struggling in the thick snow.

2/1 You are lying on a street floor during the rain, while a person is walking away.

6/5 A person crying desperately inside a dark well.

% 4/3 You in a coffin while you are buried and a person outside laughing.

2/1 A person leaving in the distance while a Japamala (Buddhist necklace) appears in your hand.

6/5 You dig up a human skull and when you look, it starts to come apart.

$ 4/3 A table covered with parchments and a person lying on them. A candle goes out.

2/1 A horrible creature comes out from behind a bush and you try to run but you can’t.

6/5 You surrounded by silhouettes laughing.

# 4/3 A person underwater. She is still, but she looks very sad.

2/1 A giant octopus devouring an animal while it struggles.

6/5 A piece of clothing or handkerchief being blown away.

@ 4/3 You on your knees watching the sun setting over the horizon.

2/1 A person laughing wildly as blood runs down his face.

6/5 Wheat fields dancing in the wind in the moonlight.

! 4/3 A big shadow behind a bed with someone sleeping on it.

2/1 The sound of chains coming from a small house on top of a mountain.

Chapter 4 | Noble Clans
Some clans of samurai will appear in your story. It is unlikely to have more then four, so we
recommend limiting yourself to four clans. You can already create these clans together with your char-
acter, or leave them to create as you play. Whenever it is necessary to roll a new Noble Clan, check
the ones that have already appeared and see if it would be more interesting for the story to use one
of them. When creating a clan, you will have to roll in the two tables below:

T ab e l a 9: C l a n F e at u r e
^ This clan is one of the most powerful in the region. They are arrogant and like to create wars.

% This clan has a rival clan and is always prepared for war against them.

$ This clan is known for the military use of Ninjas. They have a network of contacts and always know everything.

# This clan is one of the oldest. Today they are small, but one day they plan to go back to their glory days.

@ This clan is new. It just formed after another clan was exterminated in the region.

! This is a smaller clan, vassal of a larger clan.

T ab e l a 10: C l a n N a m e
6 5 4 3 2 1
Ukiryuu Kitsune Nezumi Kasaitori Tsukiinu Mushi
^ (Dragon) (Fox) (Rat) (Bird) (Dog) (Insect)

Akaitora Yamabuta Osuushi Shiroiuma Kinsaru Fuyukumo

% (Tiger) (Boar) (Ox) (Horse) (Monkey) (Spider)

Kazekani Tetsukoi Harihebi Kuroineko Usagi Karasu

$ (Crab) (Carp) (Serpent) (Cat) (Rabbit) (Crow)

Ondori Shinkame Ushi Kuma Ookami Tokage

# (Roster) (Turtle) (Cow) (Bear) (Wolk) (Lizard)

Akirisu Shimayagi Ahiru Natsusai Umisame Yukiga

@ (Squirrel) (Goat) (Duck) (Rino) (Shark) (Moth)

Sasori Suzume Washi Tsuru Yorutako Kaeru

! (Scorpian) (Pardal) (Eagle) (Garça) (Octopus) (Frog)

Chapter 5 | The Journey
This game is a journey around the world. You will always roll an event in the Route table
[Table 11] and then an event in the Location table [Table 12]. After that, repeat this process until
you find and defeat the Final Villain.

T a be l a 11: R o ut e

^ Nothing happened.

% If you have Reputation 4 or more, a Villain [chapter 7] has found you. Otherwise, nothing happened.

$ If you have Reputation 5 or more, a Villain [chapter 7] has found you. If not, roll for a Road Encounter [table 13].

# If you have Reputation 6 or more, a Villain [chapter 7] has found you. If not, roll for a Road Encounter [table 13].

@ Roll for a Road Encounter [table 13].

! Roll for a Road Encounter [table 13].

T a be l a 12: L o c ati o n
You have arrived in a large city led by a Noble Clan [tables 9 and 10].

^ If you have Reputation 4 or more, you will be approached by 2 Soldiers (Fight +1; Block 0).
Here you get 1 Reputation and have an Urban Encounter [table 14].

You have arrived in a town.

% If you have a Reputation of 5 or more, you will be approached by 2 Soldiers (Fight +1; Block 0).
Here you get 1 Reputation and have an Urban Encounter [table 14].

You have arrived in a small town.

$ If you have Reputation 6, you will be approached by a Soldier (Fight +1; Block 0).
Here you will have an Urban Encounter [table 14].

You have reached a port city.

# Here you can choose to have an Urban Encounter [table 14] or take shelter to earn 1 Determination.

You have reached a village.

@ Here you can help people to earn 1 of Compassion or just take shelter to earn 1 of Determination.

You have reached a village.

! Here you can help people to earn 1 of Compassion or just take shelter to earn 1 of Determination.

T ab e l a 13: R o a d E n c o u nt e r
You have found a Buddhist temple. There, a monk invited you to spend a few days meditating. If
you want, you can stay in the temple for a week. If you do, at the end of the week, roll a dice. If the
^ 6 result is between 6 and 2, reduce 1 Reputation. But if the result is 1, you have been visited by the
spirit of one of your victims (Fight +1; Block 0). He will fight you and will only disappear if he kills
you. If you defeat him, he will still appear at the end of each route to fight you.

There is a large wild animal on the loose. Some farmers say that he has already killed several ani-
mals and attacked some inhabitants of the region. You can ignore it and move on, but if you want to
^ 5 investigate, roll a die. If the result is between 6 and 2, you found that it was a Wolf (Fight +0; Block
1) and, if you defeat it, you will gain 1 Reputation. But if the result is 1, you have found a Yokai named
Nue (Fight +2; Bloq 2), a dangerous chimeric creature.

You spent the night in a very simple inn by the road. At night, you heard cries for help. The screams
came from the direction of a tall grassy field. You can ignore this, but you will lose 1 of Compassion.
If you want to check, roll a dice. If the result is 6, you discover that a Possible Ally [Table 9] is being
attacked by a Wolf (Fight +1; Block 1). If the result is between 5 and 2, he discovers that they were
^ 4 children playing away from their homes. And if the result is 1, you find a beautiful naked person lying
on the floor. When you approach, the person turns into a horrendous spider 3 meters high. It is a
Jorogumo (Fight +2; Bloq 2), a terrible Yokai that leaves no victims. If you lose the fight against him,
you are dead.

You found a broken umbrella by the side of the road. You can take it to repair or leave it on the floor.
^ 3 If you leave, roll a dice. If the result is 1, the umbrella becomes a Kasa-obake (Fight +4; Block 0)
and attacks you the next night.

A family was driving their wagon on the road and offered you a ride. If you refuse, they will leave.
If accepted, roll a dice. If the result is between 6 and 2, you made a good trip to the next city and
nothing happened (take 1 Determinarion). But if the result is 1, you have found that a member of
^ 2 that family is a Kitsune (Fight +0; Bloq 2), a treacherous Yokai. She cannot be intimidated, and if
you try to talk and lose, you lose 1 of Determination and wake up without your belongings by the
side of the road.

You discover that 3 children have gone missing in the past few weeks. Some say that there is a
Kappa living in a nearby river. There is not much beyond rumors. If you want to explore the river
at night (when Kappa is supposed to appear), roll a dice. If the result is between 6 and 3, nothing
^ 1 happens. If the result is 2, you got hurt badly walking on the rocks of the river and now you are
Wounded (-1 of Fight until recover). If the result is 1, you have found Kappa (Fight +1; Block 1). If
you defeat him, you gain 1 Determination.

You discovered an abandoned house by the road that was rumored to be haunted. If you want to
investigate, roll a die. If the result is between 6 and 3, you have found nothing. If the result is 2, you
% 6 have found a homeless person living in the place. And if the result is 1, you have actually found a
Samurai Ghost (Fight +3; Block 2).

You found a farm halfway. The family that lives there is very welcoming and offers shelter and food.
You can ignore and go on or stay. If you choose to stay, roll a die. If the result is between 6 and
2, you get 1 Determination and you are feeling great and happy. If the result is 1, you wake up the
% 5 next day trapped in a cell and find that the family imprisons travelers to make a soup with human
meat. To escape from prison, you will have to beat the 1d6 Cannibals (Fight +0; Bloq 0), using only
a stick (Combat +0; Bloq 1). You will be able to recover your weapon if you escape.

You are walking down the road when you encounter a Ninja Master (Fight +2; Block 0) and 2 Ninjas
(Fight +0; Block 0) intimidating a man. There is a chance that the man will be a nobleman. Roll a
% 4 dice, if the result is 4 or more, he is a Samurai (Combat +1; Block 1) from a Noble Clan [tables 9
and 10] and had two Jitte hidden. If the result is 3 or less, he is just a lost merchant. If you move
on, they will fight each other.

An Old Man (Fight -2; Bloq 1) approached you halfway using an old rusty sword. He seems to be
% 3 delusional and says he needs to kill you to restore his family’s honor.

Walking on the road, you find a man lying on the ground. As you approach, you are surprised by 3
% 2 more Mercenaries (Fight +1; Block 0) that come out from behind the trees using Naginatas.

If you recently left an enemy alive, it comes your way with Fight +1. If not, you found nothing.
% 1
Walking down the road, you find a Possible Ally [chapter 6] surrounded by 2 Samurai (Fight +1;
$ 6 Block 1). By their robes, they are from a well-known Noble Clan [tables 9 and 10] and are wearing
armor and katanas.

You are walking down the road when you encounter a Possible Ally [chapter 6] being attacked by
$ 5 a Samurai (Fight +2; Block 1) wearing a shiny new katana.

You are walking down the road when you encounter a Young Samurai (Fight +2; Bloq 0) attacking
$ 4 innocents to “train” (Tsujigiri).

You are walking down the road when you encounter a Wild Tiger (Fight +0; Block 3) attacking a
$ 3 family. If you choose to ignore, you lose 1 Compassion.

You found a letter on the ground that was apparently written by a samurai from a Noble Clan
$ 2 [chapter 4] before entering a battle. It is aimed at his family, who seems to live in the next location.
If you deliver this card, you will gain 1 Determination.

If you recently left an enemy alive, it comes your way with Fight +1. If not, you found nothing.
$ 1
You arrive at a roadside inn and are amazed at the amount of cats in the place. As you enter, you
hear an incredible melody played by a musician with his face covered. At the end of the song, the
musician approaches you and says he needs to talk. You can refuse, but if you accept, roll a die.
# 6 If the result is between 6 and 2, the musician reveals himself as a Possible Ally [chapter 6] who
needs you to take an object to the next location (you will gain 1 Determination if you do). If the result
is 1, the musician reveals himself as a Yokai called Nekomata (Fight +2; Block 1).

A farm is on fire. You can try to rescue survivors or ignore them. If you choose not to help, you will
lose 1 Compassion, but if you help, you will gain 1 Reputation. To rescue the survivors, roll the dice
# 5 3 times. Each result 6 means that you were able to save a Possible Ally [chapter 6]. Results 5 or
4 mean you saved a random person (and you get 1 extra Determination). 3 or 2 means that you
have found no one else, and 1 means that you were Wounded (-1 to Fight until recover).

You were at a bar eating when you were approached by a handsome man. He said that his master
wanted to talk to you. If you don’t want to go, roll a dice. If the result is between 6 and 2, the man
will let you go, without resistance. But if the result is 1, a Guard will appear (Fight +1; Block 0) to
stop you.
# 4 If you decide to go with the man, roll a die. If the result is between 6 and 2, the man will take you to
a carriage where a nobleman will offer you “lots of money” if you kill a Samurai (Fight +2; Block 1)
from a famous Noble Clan [chapter 4], who will be in next location. But if the result is 1, the man
will take you to an alley where you will be attacked by 1d6 Guards (Fight +1; Block 0).

You have been surrounded by 4 Guards from the region (Fight +0; Block 0). They are after a thief
and they want to arrest you so they can interrogate you. You can surrender, but if you want to
# 3 escape, you will have to fight them. If you defeat them all, you can go on your way. If you lose,
you will have been arrested. After a few days, you will be released for finding the real thief (lose 1

On the road, you find a child carrying a Naginata (Fight -2; Block 0). She looks shaken and says she
# 2 wants to kill the ronin who murdered her family. The child thinks it was you. If you sucessfully talk
to the child, you gain 1 Compassion.

# 1 If you recently left an enemy alive, it comes your way with Fight +1.

You found a Mercenary (Fight +1; Block 0) that starts by telling you about the Final Villain [Table 16]
(if you still don’t know who he is, define it now) and then will attack you. The mercenary will also
@ 6 leave you an object that reveals how terrible the final villain is. As long as you have this object, you
gain +1 Fight against any villain.

You were walking on the road when you were surprised by a Shuriken attack. You will now have -1
@ 5 on your next attack. A Ninja (Fight +3; Block 0) jumps from a tree and attacks you.

You are approached by a Samurai (Fight +1; Block 1) from a Noble Clan [chapter 4]. He doesn’t
@ 4 like you and anything you do could be a reason for him to attack you.

If you already have allies, you will find one (random) by the side of the road. He is injured and says
@ 3 that it was the next Villain [chapter 7] (roll to determine all stats) who hurt him. Add 1 Reputation. If
you have no allies, you find a Possible Ally [chapter 6] walking down the road.

You find a Possible Ally [chapter 6] lying in the middle of the road. If you want to help him, you’ll see
that he has a head wound. It looks like someone attacked him. If you want to find the attacker, roll
@ 2 a dice. If the result is 6, you were able to find an arrogant Samurai (Fight +1; Bloq 1) who possibly
attacked him. If the result is between 5 and 1, you have found nothing.

@ 1 If you recently left an enemy alive, it comes your way with Fight +1.

If you killed a villain or a samurai during this game, a relative appears to take revenge. He is also a
! 6 Samurai (Fight +2; Block 1). If you haven’t killed anyone, nothing happens.

! 5 You are attacked by a Wild Dog (Fight +0; Block 0).

! 4 You are attacked by a Bear (Fight +2; Block 0).

! 3 You were surrounded by 3 Thugs (Fight +0; Block 0) with clubs.

! 2 You were surrounded by two burglars (Fight -1; Lock 0) who want something of value or will attack.

You notice that your weapon was damaged in the last fight you had. You will have to find a Black-
! 1 smith to fix it (he doesn’t need to be an Ally for that). Until then, you will have -1 Combat.
T ab e l a 14: U r b a n E n c o u n te r

6/5 A Possible Ally [chapter 6] started contacting you on the location streets.

A Possible Ally [chapter 6] bumped into you in the busy streets of the city. He was running
^ from someone or in a hurry to go somewhere.

In a bar, you start a conversation with a Possible Ally [chapter 6] and, over time, you get
2/1 to know each other.

6/5 You meet someone from your past on the streets. Now he is a Possible Ally [chapter 6].

4/3 A Possible Ally [chapter 6] is being attacked by an Enemy (Fight +1; Block 0) in an alley.

You discover that a well-known blacksmith lives in this location. If you decide to look for
2/1 him, he will be a Possible Ally [chapter 6] with the occupation already determined as

If you let an enemy live, you find him in the locality. But now he is a Possible Ally [chapter
6/5 6]. Otherwise, you found a Possible Ally [chapter 6] at the inn where you stay.

$ 4/3 You have visited a shop or inn owned by a Possible Ally [chapter 6].

2/1 You saw a Possible Ally [chapter 6] being expelled from an inn or shop.

6/5 You stayed in an inn and shared a room with a Possible Ally [chapter 6].

You saw a Possible Ally [chapter 6] being attacked by an Thief (Fight -1; Block 0). If you do
4/3 nothing, the thief runs away with a Possible Ally’s belonging.
You discover that a well-known weapon master lives in this location. If you decide to look
2/1 for him, he will be a Possible Ally [chapter 6] with the occupation already determined as

A storm is raging. Some houses can’t take it and many people are losing their things to the
rain. You can ignore it and only worry about yourself, but you will lose 1 Compassion. If you
want to help these people, roll 1d6. If the score is 6, you were able to help everyone and
6/5 fix the roofs and walls, earning 1 Determination. If the result is between 5 and 2, you were
able to help some people. And if the result is 1, you couldn’t help a lot of people and you
get wounded (-1 to Fight until recover).

The people of this place are strange. In addition to treating you strangely, their expressions

@ seem false. You can ignore and go your way or try to find out what’s going on. If you want
to investigate, roll a die. If the result is between 6 and 2, you find that it is just the normal
4/3 way of people there. If the result is 1, you discover that they are under the control of a weird
cult and their Leader (Fight +0; Block 0) is a madman who sacrifices humans on every new
moon. If you try to face the leader, 1d6 Innocent People (Fight -2; Block 0) will protect him
with their lives.

A Pickpocket (Fight -1; Block 0) passed by you and took all your things, except your weap-
2/1 on. You can either let it go or attack it. If you defeat him, you can get your things back.

An army of soldiers from a Noble Clan [chapter 4] is in the city. If you get close, you will
6/5 be approached by 1d6 Soldiers (Fight +1; Block 1). They hate ronins.

You are approached by a Samurai (Fight +1; Block 1) from a Noble Clan [chapter 4]. He
! 4/3 doesn’t like you and anything you do could be a reason for him to attack.

You discover that a doctor lives in this location. If you decide to look for him, he will be a
2/1 Possible Ally [chapter 6] with the occupation already determined as a Healer.

Chapter 6 | ALlieS
For every Ally or Possible Ally, you must define Gender, Name [Table 1], Appearance
[Table 2], Occupation [Table 15] and (if you are Fighter or Mentor) a Technique [Table 3] (but with 1
less point of Block). Write this down on your character sheet.
All characters tagged as Possible Ally can only become Ally if they are “charmed” (see be-
low). Your Allies don’t walk with you. They are solving their own problems or training in different places.
Each Occupation will have a role and means of interacting with you.

T ab e l a 15: O c c u pat i o n

Mentor: If he becomes an ally, you can be trained by him and add his technique to your
^ card (so you can choose which technique to use when you fight enemies or villains).

Blacksmith: If he becomes an ally, he can manufacture a Special Weapon (same as

% yours, but with a +1 Fight bonus) that will be delivered to you in the next “city” you

$ Healer: If he becomes an ally, you cannot die when you are defeated in combat.

Fighter. If he becomes an ally, when you encounter a Villain, this ally will appear and
# fight before you. If he defeats the Villain, he will abandon you and follow his own path,
but if he is defeated, he will be dead.

Inocent: If he becomes your ally, you will always get +1 in Fight. However, when you
@/! encounter a Villain, roll a die. If the result is 1 or 2, the villain killed this ally and you lose
2 of Determination.
Chapter 7 | VILlains
Whenever you encounter a Villain, he will be in an Exotic Location [Table 17]. Each of the three
villains you encounter will be built by rolling the Name [Table 1], Appearance [Table 2] and Tech-
nique [Table 3]. Also, determine a trait: the first two will be Villains [Table 18], but the third will be
the Final Villain [Table 19].
Unlike the other Villains, the Final Villain has a Scar [Table 4] and a Unique Power [Table 20]. The
game only ends after you defeat the Final Villain.

T ab e l a 17: E x ot i c L o c at i o n

Place W e at her

6 Canebrake ... ^ … at night, under the moonlight

5 Cherry forest ... % … in the late afternoon

4 Stone staircase of an old temple ... $ … at sunrise

3 Deserted beach ... # … during a windstorm

2 Large wooden bridge ... @ … in the rain

1 Deserted road ... ! … while it snows lightly

T ab e l a 18: V i l l a i n

^ This villain was a character involved in your past. It was probably one of the causes of his tragedy, but not the main cause.

% This villain is a Minion of the Final Villain [Table 16] (determine now). He talks about his master and his motivations.

This villain is a mercenary hired by the Final Villain [Table 16]. You still don’t know who this final villain is, but you already
$ know his Name [Table 1] and that he wants you dead.

This villain is actually someone who loves you. But something happened in his past that has now made your destruction
# more important than his ties. You lose 2 Compassion if you kill this villain.

This villain is your brother. You didn’t expect this. But now you find out that he was there, along with you, when you got
@ your scar. However, he blames you for everything and now he wants your death.

This villain is an honorable samurai who wants to end the ronins and samurai without honor. It has no purpose other than
! doing what your code of honor says. It belongs to a Noble Clan [Table 7].

T ab e l a 19: F i n al V i l l a i n
He’s to blame for your scar. Now you discover that he always knew and may even have planned your misfortune. He
^ laughs at your existence and the fight will be fun for him.

This villain was your former master. Now he reveals himself as a megalomaniac who wants power, who, theoretically, you
% were supposed to be by. But if you don’t collaborate, you should be eliminated.

Several tragedies and conflicts that you witnessed on your journey were caused by this Final Villain. He was behind the
$ curtains pulling the strings. And now, you are an obstacle to his plans.

This Final Villain is a powerful and tyrannical Daimiô of a Noble Clan [Table 7] who dominates a neighboring region and
# wants to provoke a war. For some reason, you are in his way and need to be eliminated.

You meet the Final Villain and discover that he is, in fact, the first Villain who had appeared. However, now it has changed,
@ changed its shape or revealed itself, having a new trick.

The Final Villain reveals himself as the first Possible Ally you met. If he became your ally, it would only have been to

! deceive you. You find out now that he has a scar too. Roll a Scar Meaning [Table 4] and you are one of the possible

causes of it.

T ab e l a 20: U n i q u e P o we r

^ This Villain is very observant and gains +1 in Fight each time he spends a Block point.

% This Villain is very fast and has 2 extra Block points.

$ This Villain can manipulate fire and gains +1 in Fight. But if your scar is a burn, this number becomes +2 instead.

Before facing this Villain, you will have to face one of his servants. The last Possible Ally you fail to become ally appears
# to protect the Final Villain.

This Final Villain has one of your Allies (random) as prisioner. He blocks the first attack received using your Ally as a shield
@ (killing him). If you surrender, the villain will keep the ally prisoner.

One of your Allies (random) reveals himself as a servant of this Final Villain and you will have to face him first. If he did not
! have a technique, determine now [Table 3].

Bojutsu: Fighting technique with the bo (staff). Oni: Demon; Evil spirit.
Clã: Family of Samurai. Ronin: A wanderer, vagabond or samurai who lost his
Daimiô: Japanese feudal lord. Belonging to the Sa- master and his honor. The word Ronin is translated
murai class, he represented the clan and all the pow- as “wave-man”, meaning someone who has no des-
ers in the region he ruled. tination or home. The Ronins represented the lowest
Gaijin: Person of any non-Asian ethnicity. social class and were despised by the majority.
Iaijutsu: Technique of drawing the sword from its
Samurai: Military nobility and warrior caste of the
Japanese middle ages.
Jitte: Pair of metal short weapons specialized in dis-
Seppuku: A form of Japanese ritualistic suicide.
arming and breaking blades.
Made by samurai to restore your family’s honor.
Kama: Sickle.
Shinobi: “Shinobi no Mono” is the same as Ninja.
Kanabo: Heavy metal bat studded with metal tips.
Sohei: Samurai Buddhist monk.
Katana: Most common Japanese long sword.
Tanto: Japanese knife or dagger.
Kenjutsu: Term that designates a giant range of
Tonfa: Pair of wooden weapons. Small sticks that can
sword fighting techniques. Here in this game, we use
block over the forearms.
this term to define the most basic and used tech-
Tsujigiri: Act of killing random people in the middle of
niques of Kenjutsu.
the road. It was carried out by samurai who wanted to
Kusarigama: Weapon that fuses a Kama and a long
train their new techniques or weapons.
chain with an iron weight on the end.
Wakizashi: Japanese short sword.
Naginata: Japanese pole weapon.
Xogum: Military dictator who rules the empire for the
Ninja: Spies and masters in Ninjutsu. Trained to infil-
Emperor. In this game it is interesting that there is
trate and hide in the shadows.
political instability, so that there are many conflicts
Niten Ichi-ryu: Technique developed by Miyamoto
between the clans. Therefore, it is interesting to think
Musashi. It consists of using a sword in each hand.
that there is no shogun at the moment, causing all
Here we use only the name to describe the technique,
Daimiô to go to war to come to power.
without any connection to its origin.
Yokai: Spirit from the japonese folklore.
Odachi: Japanese very long sword. The blade can
be up to 1 meter.

D i s c l ai m e r
This game is influenced by several media. From the real history of feudal Japan, to Akira Kurosawa films, games like Samurai
Shodown, anime like Dororo and manga like Lone Wolf and Vagabond. But without a doubt the greatest influence can be clearly seen
when browsing this book. It is a manga and anime to which I made the decision not to quote the name of the work, much less the name of
the author. The reason is that this guy is a detestable and indefensible person. If you don’t know about it, I suggest you search the internet.
I believe in the separation of work and author. Especially in this case in which the work does not show or encourage anything
linked to the dark side of the creator. The work speaks of several themes and with a dramatic load that few animes have managed to date.
These messages marked me and it is very likely that they marked you too.
Despite all this, the author is an execrable person. As a result, some people decided to step aside and repudiate his work and they
are absolutely right! Especially because continuing to consume the anime / manga is to finance the author (who paid bail for freedom).
When I made this game, I thought about it a lot, but the more I wrote and tested it, the more I put that spirit of the story. A spirit that is
basically innocent of the author’s crimes. And don’t forget: this book that is in your hands, I am the author, not him, and being a narrative
game that is, YOU will be the author of your story!
No author writes out of the blue. We may not be able to see all the obvious influences that the author had when writing his work,
however, something can be seen in the history books. The protagonist himself is based on a legendary figure, just as there are characters
almost from comics (X-Men) and even games (Samurai Shodown). The wheel spins, and now it’s my turn to use this work as a reference.
I believe that better than trying to erase the work is to use it, reframe it and use the stage to point the finger at the author and say:
“The work is ours now!”.
-Tiago Junges




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