Badajoz Carnival

Badajoz Carnival

Festivity of International Tourist Interest

It is one of the most popular festivals in Badajoz, Extremadura. Everyone dresses up in costumes, sings humorous songs, and Sunday, "Domingo de Carnaval", is an important day with a busy "Desfile de Comparsas" parade.

Some of the events that take place over the five days include: the Murgas Contest (on Friday), the Great Carnival Parade (with dozens of musical groups and thousands of people) and finally, to bring the festival to a close, the Burial of the Sardine takes place (on Shrove Tuesday). More and more people come every year, from Spain and abroad, and in Badajoz you'll find fun and happiness for all.

Badajoz Carnival

Badajoz  (Extremadura)

* To be confirmed

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