How actress Sophie Winkleman married into the royal family . . . and survived

Not all actresses who join the Firm run off. Sophie Winkleman, who played Big Suze in the sitcom Peep Show, fell for the 49th in line to the throne. So how’s it going?

Sophie Winkleman: “The Queen’s been wonderful, and Prince Charles has been wonderful”
Sophie Winkleman: “The Queen’s been wonderful, and Prince Charles has been wonderful”
The Times


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The narrative of the royals being unwelcoming to outsiders has never been more widespread. First we had the Duke of Sussex exiling himself to the US because of the “Firm’s” apparent hostility to his new bride. Then The Crown reminded us — possibly not altogether accurately — how the family mistreated Diana.

However, another glamorous bride — despite being an actress, like the Duchess of Sussex — has experienced 12 years as a Windsor and received nothing but warmth. “I’ve been incredibly welcomed with open arms by all of them. I haven’t had a single negative experience,” says Sophie Winkleman, the wife of Lord Freddie Windsor, who is the son of Prince and Princess Michael of Kent and 49th in line to the throne. “The