"Clever" Car Gets Lean and Green

We never tire of seeing new twists on the high-efficiency three-wheeled car design, no matter how many times we see it. The latest rendition comes from the University of Bath, where a consortium of researchers from nine countries has put together a little green machine they call Clever. Running on compressed natural gas, the Clever […]
Image may contain Transportation Vehicle Buggy Human Person Tool and Lawn Mower

We never tire of seeing new twists on the high-efficiency three-wheeled car design, no matter how many times we see it. The latest rendition comes from the University of Bath, where a consortium of researchers from nine countries has put together a little green machine they call Clever. Running on compressed natural gas, the Clever is ultragreen. And its slender in-line seating design makes it almost as space-efficient as a motorcycle. The car can hit speeds of up to 60mph in its current incarnation and appears to be incredibly maneuverable. But don't line up to buy one just yet. So far, there are only five Clevers in existence.

[Via BBC]