Tips to Using the Valorant Minimap

Your minimap is one of the most valuable information sources you can use in Valorant. Learn more about how to use it in our Valorant minimap guide.

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Anwell Patdu

Tips to Using the Valorant Minimap title card

The Valorant Minimap: Key Takeaways

  • Your Valorant minimap contains a ton of information that might not be readily available to you in any other way.
  • Your Valorant minimap can reveal an enemy’s location, even if you’ve only spotted them for a fraction of a second.
  • You can use your Valorant minimap to make informed decisions about your next possible moves.

The Valorant minimap is one of the most ignored and underutilized tools in the game. Players often forget they have minimaps tucked in the upper left corner of their screen. Others even think that it’s just a huge distraction and even go out of their way to make it as small as it can from the Valorant settings. 

However, it contains some useful information you might miss in-game. It can also show you your teammate’s positions, enemy positions, some abilities, and a bunch of other things that you otherwise might not have visuals on. Luckily, we’re here to help you make the best out of your Valorant minimap.

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Use Your Minimap for Your Abilities

Using the Valorant minimap to guide abilities
Image via Riot Games

Your Valorant minimap can be a great way to find out where your abilities will land or be cast. This is especially useful in areas where you don’t have a direct line of sight. It’s also great for abilities that can pass through walls or objects, ensuring that you’ll know exactly where they’ll end up.

This is super useful for abilities you can steer but don’t have direct vision of, like Skye’s Guiding Light, Fade’s Prowlers, or Harbor’s High Tide. It also shows what areas can be covered by your abilities. This includes the scope of Sova’s Recon Bolt, Killjoy’s Turret, and Viper’s Toxic Screen, among many others.

These are just a few examples of how you can use the Valorant minimap for better and more effective ability usage. 

Use Your Minimap to Locate Your Allies

using minimap to find allies
Image via Riot Games

Another way to use your Valorant minimap is by quickly glancing at it to know where your allies are located. Initially, you might think that this isn’t as useful as it seems. However, it’s actually a great way to know which areas or angles are covered, especially since the map also shows vision cones.

Knowing where your allies are located and which angles they are watching gives you extra information about what else you can do. You can watch a different angle if you see that an ally is already watching the same one. You can also freely rotate around safe areas your team has cleared. Finally, you can also find out where their abilities are placed, especially ones that are usually watching flanks like Killjoy’s Alarmbot or Chamber’s Trademark.

Use Your Valorant Minimap to Gather Information

Your Valorant minimap is a gold mine of information. It contains things that you might not even be aware of when you’re fully immersed in the game. Although the information you might find on the minimap may seem irrelevant, it can actually help you make great predictions and informed decisions.

Your minimap can contain information like enemies you’ve spotted by jump peeking. It also reveals any enemies that your team may have spotted. This can be very useful when you’re solo queueing, and your team isn’t as active on the comms as you might like. It can also provide information about some enemy abilities that your team has vision of.