
The grasshopper
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5 days ago · English Translation of “CHAPULÍN” | The official Collins Spanish-English Dictionary online. Over 100000 English translations of Spanish ...
¡Es un chapulín! It's a locust! El chapulín brincó para escaparse de la araña. The grasshopper leaped to escape from the spider.
kid {noun} [coll.] chapulín (also: bodoque, borrego, cagarruto, carajito, carajito, chibolo ...
Meanings of "chapulín" in English Spanish Dictionary : 8 result(s) ; 5, Slang, chapulín [m/f] CR, juvenile delinquent.
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El chapulín brincó para escaparse de la araña.The grasshopper leaped to escape from the spider.
Dec 3, 2018 · So who is El Chapulin Colorado? His name translated means “The Red grasshopper”. An interesting side note is that the word for grasshopper in ...
1. chapulín ZOOL : locust 2. chapulín Mex inf (niño): kid inf Translations for chapulín in the English»Spanish Dictionary (Go to Spanish»English)
Chapulines, plural for chapulín (Spanish: [tʃapuˈlin]), are grasshoppers of the genus Sphenarium that are commonly eaten in certain areas of Mexico. The term ...
Noun m pl of chapulín - (CentAm, Colombia, MEX) grasshopper, locust, especially when toasted as food Syn: saltamontes, langosta - (CentAm) small child, tot.
Spanish, English ; chapulín nm, AmC, MX (insecto: saltamontes), grasshopper n ; locust n ; Una plaga de chapulines invadió nuestra tierra y nos dejó sin cosecha.