Brasília, Brasilia - Federal District, Brazil / Time Zone
Brasilia Standard Time
Time zone in Brasília, Brasilia - Federal District, Brazil (GMT-3)
Saturday, November 2, 2024 at 4:03 PM
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Current Local Time in Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brazil ; Time Zone. BRT (Brasília Time) UTC/GMT -3 hours ; No DST. No Daylight Saving Time in 2024 ; Difference.
Brasília Time (BRT) is 3 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). This time zone is in use during standard time in: South America.
The IANA time zone identifier for Brasília is America/Sao_Paulo. Time difference from Brasília. Los Angeles.
Brasília time (UTC−03:00). edit. The main time zone of Brazil comprises the states in the South, Southeast and Northeast regions (except the small islands ...
Time zone: Brasilia Time (BRT) UTC -3 now 1 hour ahead of New York. Time difference from Brasilia Time.
Current time zone for Brasilia, Brazil is GMT-3, whose offset is GMT-3. It currently does not observe Daylight Savings Time.
The time in Brasília is currently 4 hours ahead of the time in America/Los_Angeles. Your determined time zone: America/Los_Angeles.
Local current time in each time zone ; Brasília Time (BRT). 3:35:24 AM · GMT -03:00 ; Amazon Time (AMT). 2:35:24 AM · GMT -04:00 ; Fernando de Noronha (FNT). 4:35:24 ...
Brazil: East UTC-3. Brasilia Time (BRT), which is two hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time. Locations: States of ...
BRT is the abbreviation of Brasilia Time. Time zone offset of BRT is UTC-03. Brasilia Time is 3 hours behind from the UTC universal time.