Elle Bishop is a fictional character who appeared on the American psychological thriller superhero series Heroes, which aired on NBC from 2006 to 2010.
Elle Bishop was the daughter of Bob Bishop. She was a sadistic sociopath who delighted in treating people like toys. From the age of seven, she was tortured ...
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Elle Bishop
Personagem de filme
Elle Bishop é uma personagem fictícia que apareceu na série de super-heróis de suspense psicológico americano Heroes, que foi ao ar na NBC de 2006 a 2010. A personagem foi criada pelo criador da série Tim Kring e interpretada pela atriz Kristen... Wikipedia (inglês)
Filmes: Cheers for Miss Bishop e Bryan
Programa de TV: Heroes
Discover more about the Heroes character Elle Bishop played by Kristen Bell.
Kristen Bell: Elle Bishop · Photos · Quotes. Elle Bishop : [talking about her murdered father] You killed him.
Formal Name: Kristen Anne Bell. Character: Elle Bishop. Gender: Female. Date of Birth: 18 July, 1980. Place of Birth: Huntington Woods, Michigan, USA.
14 de jan. de 2024 · In Heroes, Kristen Bell portrayed Elle Bishop, who was introduced in season 2, episode 5, "Fight or Flight." Elle possessed the power of ...
Character Guide for Heroes's Elle. Includes character biography, gallery, and a complete list of episode appearances.
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