It examines both the demand and the supply side of the labor market. And it provides guidance for further work. We commend this book to all readers, scholars, and practitioners concerned with schooling and job markets in Latin America.
The second edition of the Impact Evaluation in Practice handbook is a comprehensive and accessible introduction to impact evaluation for policy makers and development practitioners.
This book displays the striking creativity and profound insight that characterized Freire's work to the very end of his life-an uplifting and provocative exploration not only for educators, but also for all that learn and live.
Thus Agnes Heller's study is not only the first full presentation of a fundamental aspect of Marx, but the basis for a discussion of the utmost contemporary relevance.
... fazer uma revisão crítica da Estão da iniciativa individual . Hoje , uma ... jovem , é uma das expressões de valor deste Congresso . Não sei como o seu ... estudante universitário à Previdência Social , e dá outras providências ...
In this new book-a #1 bestseller in Germany-Sennett explores the contemporary scene characterized by Enrico's son, Rico, whose life is more materially successful, yet whose work lacks long-term commitments or loyalties.
In this volume, practical questions that confront every classroom teacher are addressed using the latest exciting research on cognition, teaching, and learning.
Sociological and institutional perspectives on labor markets; "matching" persons and jobs: theoretical perspectives; Firms, occupations, and labor markets; Employment and unemployment; Discrimination in labor markets; Alternatives to human ...