Department of Oceanography, University of Concepcion, Chile - Citado por 1.313 - Ecology - Parasitism - Aquatic Ecology - Marine Phytoplankton
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Aug 26, 2024 · Dr. Comlan de Souza, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Comlan de Souza, Office: PB 345, Phone: 559.278.4910, E-mail:
I'm Carl de Souza, a Microsoft MVP and creator of, a leading blog on the Microsoft Power Platform with over 1M visitors a year.
Cid Carvalho de Souza, Institute of Computing - University of Campinas, Brazil. Verified email at - Homepage
Dr. de Souza is a Fellow of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. He has been a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Control Systems Society for 2004–2006 and 2007– ...
I'm Carl de Souza, a Microsoft MVP and creator of, a leading blog on the Microsoft Power Platform with over 1M visitors a year.
I'm wondering if any moms on here have delivered with him, and if so, can comment on an actual delivery.
Caroline de Souza is originally from Brazil. She finish her studies in Milan as a fashion illustrator / designer and she moved to Greece.
Dr. Souza obtained his DVM in 1999 from Universidade Federal do Parana, Brazil. He then completed a two-year residency program in Clinical Pathology.
Digital, Broadcast Reporter, Lifestyle Exp. @MorningSave on @InsideEdition, @YahooLifestyle Host/Anna's Answers, @TodayShow Contributor, mom to many!