Centro Veterinário Dr. Marcelo Rezende localizado from
Em tempos nos quais muitas informações erradas são encontradas on-line, buscou-se trazer a criadores de cães, estudantes de medicina veterinária, médicos-veterinários e demais pro- fissionais que trabalham com cães conteúdo básico ...
Centro Veterinário Dr. Marcelo Rezende localizado from
Expertly drawn together, produced and edited, Food Science and Technology provides the following: Coverage of all the elements of food science and technology degree programs internationally Essential information for all professionals in the ...
Centro Veterinário Dr. Marcelo Rezende localizado from
" This manual is designed to provide you with easy-to-access, clinically relevant details for complete care of the small animal cancer patient, while considering the needs, concerns, and capabilities of the client.
Centro Veterinário Dr. Marcelo Rezende localizado from
This is the third edition of this manual which contains updated practical guidance on biosafety techniques in laboratories at all levels.
Centro Veterinário Dr. Marcelo Rezende localizado from
An indispensable resource for those involved in public health and health policy, this book uses Dr. Wennberg's pioneering research to provide a framework for understanding the health care crisis; and outlines a roadmap for real change in ...
Centro Veterinário Dr. Marcelo Rezende localizado from
Updating recommendations last made by the National Research Council in the mid-1980s, this report provides nutrient recommendations based on physical activity and stage in life, major factors that influence nutrient needs.
Centro Veterinário Dr. Marcelo Rezende localizado from
This book offers an essential guide to surgical approaches to the umbilicus. The navel is the only natural scar in the body, accepted for all human beings all over the world.
Centro Veterinário Dr. Marcelo Rezende localizado from
It is designed to be kept next to the microscope as an invaluable guide to accurate diagnosis in ocular pathology. The book presents a wide range of images of the highest quality.
Centro Veterinário Dr. Marcelo Rezende localizado from
This book enables readers to reach a fast and accurate diagnosis of ear disease in the dog and cat and then to manage the treatment.
Centro Veterinário Dr. Marcelo Rezende localizado from
Flagellates: the Hemoflagellates; Flagellates: the Trichomonads; Flagellates: Histomonas, Dientamoeba and related forms; Spironucleus, Giardia, and other Flagellates; Amebae; Apicomplexa: the Coccidia proper; Apicomplexa: Sarcocystis, ...