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The present study focuses on the characteristics of late industrialization in a city in Ceará State (in the semiarid region of Northeast Brazil) and its ...
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... Ghanem, Joinville - Santa Catarina (SC), Brazil. 1 Hospital de Olhos Sadalla Amin Ghanem; UTI Neonatal da UNIMED, Joinville, Santa Catarina,. (SC), Brazil. 2 ...
O presente relatório visa apresentar informações referentes ao Estudo Ambiental Simplificado. – EAS, para as atividades de desassoreamento e limpeza do Rio ...
Mar 12, 2018 · nity hospital in the city of Joinville (Santa Catarina, Brazil). Considering that GDM has a 2-fold higher risk in obese women and an ...
Estudo Clínico e laboratorial do tracoma em escolares de Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brasil. O tracoma predomina em zonas de clima quente e seco da maior ...
The authored articles and editorial comments, opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations in the International Braz J Urol are solely those of the.
We present a revision of the Neotropical bat genus Chiroderma, commonly known as big-eyed bats. Although species of Chiroderma have a wide distribution from ...
The journal Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia (Polimeros) is a quarterly publication of the Brazilian Polymer Association (Associação Brasileira de P...
EQUIPE EXECUTORA. Coordenador e Responsável Técnico. Geólogo DSc Marcos Alexandre de Freitas. Supervisores. Geólogo DSc Bruno Ludovico Dihl Horn.
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