... MALL Park Shopping - one of the. Foto: JHBrandao / TripAdvisor PARK Parque Ecológico de Águas Claras Hours: everyday, 6am - 10pm Foto: DF Plaza MALL Shopping DF Century Plaza - with a different style of food court Hours: MON/SAT, 10am ...
... D.F. Metro: Barranca del Muerto As it's located right next to the Museo ... Plaza San Jacinto stocks a line of well-made traditional clothing as well as artifacts. The colorful ... shopping mall set in Mexico City Neighborhoods 165.
... Plaza Bahía ( Acapulco ) , 204 , 208 Plaza Bugambilias ( Ixtapa ) , 195 Plaza Caracol ( Cancún ) , 272-273 Plaza del Angel ( D.F. ) , 125 , 127 , 137-138 Plaza Génova ( Puerto Val- larta ) , 186 Plaza Icacos ( Acapulco ) , 209 Plaza la ...
... Plaza I Building / Edifício Plaza I ** — Bolsa de Imóveis do Estado de São ... Shopping Malls / Shopping Centers . Iguatemi Rio Shopping Mall / Shopping ... DF Tatuapé II Shopping Mall / Shopping Tatuapé II ** - CEI - Consórcio ...
... D.F. , I. Graham , and M.J. MacLean . " Going to the Mall : A Leisure Activity of Urban Elderly People . " Canadian Journal on Aging 10 , No. 4 ( Winter 1991 ) : 345–358 . Greenseth , Morgan . " The Future of Shopping Malls : An Image ...
... shopping behavior of day and night time user groups Some differences were ... df = 2 79 ( 38.7 ) 134 ( 51.0 ) 213 ( 45.6 ) ( p = .000 ) Total 204 ( 100.0 ) ... df = 3 means Others 4 ( 1.9 ) 16 ( 6.1 ) 20 ( 4.2 ) ( p = .004 ) total ...