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bibliogroup:"Online access: Bloomsbury Publishing Bloomsbury Open Access" de
This book provides a practical guide to interdisciplinary research: to help build interdisciplinary skills and mobilise a new and growing research community.
bibliogroup:"Online access: Bloomsbury Publishing Bloomsbury Open Access" de
Deborah Philips identifies the literary genres, including fairy tale, gothic horror, Egyptiana and the Western which are common to carnival sites and traces their historical transition across a range of media to become familiar icons of ...
bibliogroup:"Online access: Bloomsbury Publishing Bloomsbury Open Access" de
Drawing on international case studies and a range of theoretical perspectives, leading scholars survey the impact of globalization on local education policy in developing countries.
bibliogroup:"Online access: Bloomsbury Publishing Bloomsbury Open Access" de
Global Animation Theory offers detailed and diverse insights into the methodologies of contemporary animation studies, as well as the topics relevant for today's study of animation.
bibliogroup:"Online access: Bloomsbury Publishing Bloomsbury Open Access" de
Building on detailed small-scale ethnographic case studies, Gameworlds is the first book to explore the nature of play in the virtual worlds of video games and how this play relates to, and crosses over into, everyday play in the actual ...