Hipertexto (ISNN 1553-3018) is an online journal on Spanish, Latin American and Latino Studies in which faculty and independent scholars can publish their research works.


Hypertext is text displayed on a computer display or other electronic devices with references to other text that the reader can immediately access. Hypertext documents are interconnected by hyperlinks, which are typically activated by a mouse... Wikipedia
Hypertext is text displayed on a computer display or other electronic devices with references (hyperlinks) to other text that the reader can immediately access.
In computing, hypertext is a way of connecting pieces of text so that you can go quickly and directly from one to another. ...information embroidered with ...
El hipertexto es texto que contiene enlaces a otros textos, tratándose así de una estructura no secuencial que permite crear, agregar, enlazar y compartir ...
hipertexto m (plural hipertextos). hypertext (text for the Web). Spanish. edit. Etymology. edit. From hiper- + texto. Pronunciation.
Hipertexto (ISSN 1553-3018) is an online journal on Spanish, Latin American and Latino Studies in which faculty and independent scholars can publish their ...
Una organización hipertexto está formada por varios niveles de texto, mientras que el texto tradicional tiene una sóla capa: el texto mismo. ... La transferencia ...
Definition. The organization of information units typically containing visible links that users can select or click with a mouse pointer or some other ...
Book details ; Print length. 360 pages ; Language. Spanish ; Publisher. Ediciones Trea, S.L. ; Publication date. September 1, 2004 ; ISBN-10. 8497041348.
El hipertexto en informática es una herramienta de creación, enlace y distribución de información de diversas fuentes, que opera en base a una estructura no ...