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Juliana locked her profile · Lives in Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro · Followed by 4,450 people ·
Não inclui: inauthor: Dalila
Um projeto da Faculdade... muita FÉ e FORÇA DE VONTADE... HOJE UMA REALIDADE! Feliz aniversário! Minha filha ❤. Photo by Dalila J. Araújo on January 02, ...
Não inclui: inauthor: Juliana
Juliana De Araújo. Working as a trainee at Edusp with design and layout of academic books, in addition to reviewing texts in Portuguese. São Paulo, SP.
Não inclui: inauthor: Dalila
Universidade de Caxias do Sul - Citado por 21 - Engenharia Química - Extração de óleos essenciais - Processos químicos - Saneantes - Produtos ...
Não inclui: inauthor: Dalila
The editors and staff of BMC Public Health would like to warmly thank the reviewers whose comments helped to shape the journal, for their invaluable assistance.
Authors and titles for April 2020 ... Title: lambda DNA through a plasmonic nanopore What can be detected by means of Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering? ... Title: ...
The weekly associations between climatic factors and Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum malaria in China, 2005-2014.
Maria ELIAS | Cited by 1886 | of Instituto Butantan, São Paulo (butanan) | Read 180 publications | Contact Maria ELIAS.
13 de jan. de 2021 · In the fall of 2018, translator Anne Posten told me about a German book she had fallen in love with, about oil rig workers, male intimacy, ...
The series “Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing” contains publications on theory, applications, and design methods of Intelligent Systems and ...