Two decades have passed since publication of the first edition of Experimental and Clinical Neurotoxicology pioneered the development of this discipline.
The pathophysiological, epidemiological and clinical aspects of hypercalcemia of malignancy are presented in this issue, with a focus on the recently discovered humoral factor responsible for the development of hypercalcemia.
This second edition of The Physician's Guide provides paediatricians and other physicians with a unique aid to help them select the correct diagnosis from a bewildering array of complex clinical and laboratory data.
An up-to-date reference on this fascinating set of complex disorders, this book features the most comprehensive strategies for diagnosing, classifying, imaging, treating, and managing amyloidosis in multiple organ systems.
Therefore, before such therapy can be fully and routinely implemented, results of the novel treatment and its rationale have to be carefully evaluated. In preoperative treatment, other features will likely gain impor tance.
This affects a wide spectrum of research and practice, anywhere from basic research to health care organization. Core examples of these close associations are addressed in this book.