... Clinic inaugurated by the Society shall be hereafter known as the " Dwinelle Clinic . " This clinic is held the day of the monthly meeting ( third Tuesday ) , from 4 to 6 o'clock . The clinicians for this month are Drs . Meeker , of ...
... clinic. The quality of the service is ensured by a staff of professionals from hospital and university teaching ... Odonto Salute' clinics is to offer practical advantages for patients, providing high quality dental treatment which ...
... Odonto Babies Clinic of Homeopathy Clinic of prevention of bucal cancer Center of reference of Santo André Adolescent ( CREASA ) f ) Center of integral attention to the women's health ( CAISM ) Responsable for the Clinic of ...
... odontologica ; 69 see Vähä - Eskeli , Kalevi . Turun yliopiston julkaisuja . Sar . D , Medica - odontologica ; 77 ... Clinic see Kirklin Clinic ( Birmingham , Ala . ) UAREP see Universities Associated for Research and Education in ...
... clinic . In dentistry there are a great many methods of accomplishing the same end . Now let us see if this feature can not be made an attractive one . I would suggest that at our next annual and semi - annual meetings we establish a clinic ...
... Clinic of Pain b) Odonto Babies c) Clinic of Homeopathy d) Clinic of prevention of bucal cancer e) Center of reference of Santo André Adolescent (CREASA) f) Center of integral attention to the women's health (CAISM) Responsable for the ...
... Clinic as clinical assistant in 1908. After a service of five years , he became privat - docent at the University ... Odonto- technics and Orthodontia in the Stomatological Clinic of the University in Budapest . He was born in 1865 ...
... Clinic . 427 LEVINGS , A. H. Chondromata or Cartilaginous Tumors 50 Chrondomata ( continued ) . 90 Odontomata or Tumors of the Teeth 257 Angiomata or Hemangiomata . 384 Lymph - angiomata .... Lymph - angiomata - Levings MURPHY , JOHN B ...
... odontomaxillary dysplasia : report of a series of 5 cases with long - term follow - up . Oral Surg Oral Med ... odonto- dysplasia . Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2007 ; 104 : e40–5 . 58. Sarode SC , Sarode GS ...