Rio de Janeiro's unique lifestyle is diverse and culturally rich, and the city is home to some remarkable modernist and contemporary homes alongside historic colonial gems.
This is the most accessible guide available both for students of literature new to this developing field, and for students of gender studies and readers interested in the interactions of feminism, literary criticism and literature.
Bridging theory and practice, this accessible text considers fashion from both cultural studies and fashion studies perspectives, and addresses the growing interaction between the two fields.
Hock's Training Mission Two is an unarmed and multi-weapon collection of his Force Necessary, Level 2 hand, stick, knife, and gun course materials. The material is organized through his Stop 6 Training Program as its skeleton.
In Riches in Niches: How to Make It BIG in a Small Market, Susan explores the multiple factors that separate the experts from the service professionals who may have identicalif not betterskills, but whom no one has ever heard of.