Conjunto Nacional, o primeiro shopping de Brasília está localizado no coração da Capital, é referência em opção de compras e serviços.

Shopping Conjunto Nacional

(66,447) Shopping center in Brasília, Brazil
Shopping Conjunto Nacional is the first shopping center in Brasília, and the second mall to be built in Brazil. It was opened in 1971 and is located near the bus station in the Central Zone of Brasília.
Address: SDN, CNB - Asa Norte, Brasília - DF, 70077-900, Brazil
Hours: Open ⋅ Closes 10 PM
Phone: +55 61 2106-9700
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Rating (529)
O shopping fica na área central de Brasília, próximo a Rodoviária, Esplanada dos Ministérios, Torre de TV, Catedral, Setor Hoteleiro... Dentro os shoppings da ...
⏰Horários: 🛍Lojas Segunda a sábado: 09h-22h. Domingo: 14h-20h 🍽 Alimentação Segunda a sábado: 09h-22h. Domingo: 12h - 20h.
Shopping Conjunto Nacional (Joint National Mall) is the first shopping center in Brasília, and the second mall to be built in Brazil.
Rating · Review by 579marcioc
The Conjunto Nacional Shopping is the main shopping of the center of Brasília, located beside the bus station to of the Plano Piloto. Because of this, it is a ...
The Shopping Conjunto Nacional, sometimes called CNB is the first shopping center in Brasília, and the second mall to be built in Brazil.