Fly | Flu | Flow |
Flag | Flap | Flax |
Flop | Flex | Flea |
Floor | Flair | Flare |
Flash | Flyer | Fleet |
People also ask
What are the 10 words with the fl sound?
What are the examples of FL sound?
(Sound Blending). Print on vellum, cut, and laminate for durability. Cut ... Write sentences or a story with fl words of your choice. flag, flake, flame ...
This page has activities and worksheets highlighting words with the FL consonant blend. Words in this unit include: flag, flame, flower, fly, flute, floss, and ...
Videos and songs to help First Grade kids learn how to pronounce consonant blend FL. Learn words that begin or end with FL.
Other 'fl' consonant blends examples include: flat, flame, flimsy, flute, fling, float, fluffy and flit. In a consonant digraph, two consonants stand together ...