Sashas Flexibites are tasty convenient bite-sized chews. They contain nutrients that when taken daily help maintain healthy joints, carilage and tendons.
Sashas Flexibites are tasty convenient bite-sized chews. They contain nutrients that when taken daily help maintain healthy joints, carilage and tendons, ...
(3) ˇ A$67.42
FLEXIŽ New Neon Retractable Reflect Dog Leash (Tape), Ergonomic, Durable and Tangle Free Pet Walking Leash for Dogs, 16 ft, Medium, Neon/Black. 4.6 out of 5 ...
Skin and Coat Benefits: In addition to joint health, Sasha's Blend Flexi Chews may assist with skin and coat conditions, promoting overall canine well-being.
Sasha's Flexibites Joint Supplements. A tasty nutritional supplement beneficial for joint health and skin and coat condition in dogs and cats of all ages.
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SASHAS BLEND Flexi Chews 200g 160 Chews (Sasha's) - Joint Arthritis Pain Relief ; stefmarpetcare (166787) ; Approx. $41.14 ; People want this. 93 people are ...
In stock
Product features: Medicated treat; Convenient and easy to dose; Daily treatment; Highly palatable but low calorie; Ideal maintenace / preventative program ...
A$49.95 In stock
Sashas Flexi Bites ˇ All-natural formula for maintaining healthy joints and tendons ˇ low-calorie, bacon-flavoured bites ˇ approximately 160 bites per 200g ...
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A$57.91 In stock
Sashas Flexi Bites are made from a combination of premium ranch raised venison and marine concentrates with added bacon flavour. They are bursting with vitamins ...
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Free of preservatives, colouring, fillers or grains. Flexibites Daily Dosage for Dogs: Up to 10 kg/ 4 bites. 11 - 20 kg / 6 Bites.
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