
Dyntopo sculpture of the Conan interpreted by Jason Momoa.

Blender 2.78

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Very good work, ikarios, I can recognize Jason Momoa.

But still, I think the original movie, starring an autrian dude with a unpronounceable name was better.

Plus the bad guy would be worth a blender model:

Thank you for sharing you work.

awesome work, really!!!

just curious though, how much is blender and how much is krita?

Thanks Benny_Flex
I slept when I watched Conan 2011
The only thing I remember is these strange eyebrows which I had to exorcise with Blender ^^

I am glad you like it davzeppelin
I used Blender for sculpting and vertex painting (there is no texture).
Krita for minor adjustment (brightness and contrast, color correction, text…)

very nice work, excellent!:eyebrowlift:

so all the painting is done inside blender, didn’t know it could be done :-). i guess it took quite some time, mostly for the tattoo and the cloth. great result