Iluminación Adecuada para el Gecko Leopardo

Among reptile hobbyists and keepers, it is common to encounter myths and misunderstandings. One of the most recurring is related to the lighting necessary for the Leopard Gecko. In this article, we are going to address this topic, clarifying concepts and providing guidelines based on research and experience.

Do Leopard Geckos Need Light?

Despite the widespread belief that leopard geckos, because they are “nocturnal,” do not require light and that it can damage their eyes, this is not true. Leopard geckos are crepuscular, indicating that their main activity takes place at dawn and dusk. Although their eyes have adapted to low light conditions and tend to be more active at night, it is essential to provide them with lighting in their terrarium.

Light plays a crucial role in regulating your day/night cycle, promoting your mental health and stimulating your appetite. Following the recommendations of the UV tool created by Dr. Frances Baines, light should be provided for 14 hours a day in summer and 12 hours in winter. To facilitate this process, the use of smart timers can be very useful.

The Role of UVB in Gecko Health

The sun produces three types of ultraviolet radiation: UVA, UVB and UVC. Although UVC is harmful and blocked by the Earth's atmosphere, almost all animals have evolved depending on the first two. Reptiles, in particular, benefit from UVA for vision and UVB for metabolism, specifically vitamin D synthesis and calcium metabolism.

Although it is common to hear that leopard geckos “don't need UVB,” recent studies refute this idea. Although they are not as dependent on UVA and UVB as diurnal species, when provided with UVB lighting, leopard geckos take advantage of it and benefit from it.

UVB Lighting Guidelines

Depending on the leopard gecko's pigmentation, UVB exposure should be moderate. For example, wild type and other well-pigmented geckos should have a basking UV index between 0.5 – 1.5, while albino geckos and other less pigmented morphs require a more moderate exposure of 0.5 – 0.7.

To ensure correct exposure, it is necessary to measure the UV Index with precise tools such as the Solarmeter 6.5 and follow the distance recommendations between the light source and the basking platform, taking into account the pigmentation of the gecko.

Additional Recommendations and Precautions

It is essential to remember that the power of UVB bulbs decreases over time, even if the visible light appears constant. T5 bulbs should be replaced every 12 months, and T8 bulbs every 6 months. Finally, regarding night lights, they are not necessary and can interfere with the gecko's natural cycle. It is preferable to avoid them.

Key Takeaways :

  • Crepuscular Nature : Leopard geckos require light to regulate their day/night cycle.
  • Benefits of UVB : Despite being crepuscular, they benefit from UVB lighting.
  • Exposure Guidelines : It is essential to follow the recommendations based on the gecko's pigmentation.
  • Maintenance : UVB bulbs should be replaced regularly to ensure adequate exposure.
  • Avoid Night Lights : They are not necessary and can be harmful to the leopard gecko.
Gecko leopardoIluminacion

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