Dita Von Teese

Dita Von Teese dresses as a 'normal girl' each Halloween...and it's magnificent

Image may contain Dita von Teese Clothing Apparel Sleeve Long Sleeve Human Person Dress Fashion and Evening Dress
Rex Features

Dita Von Teese is celebrated for her devoted approach to haute glamour and perfect turn out - but her Halloween costumes turns this on its head.

Rex Features

While we all spend ages contouring witch cheekbones or tracking down Sexy Mouse costumes, Von Teese takes the opposite approach...and dials down her own look by dressing as a regular "normal girl". And it's magnificent.

In her Instagram Story, Von Teese revealed that she's been using this costume for nearly 10 years, and shared some of her outfits.

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She also posted one on her main account, which is like getting a look at how she might have looked had she stayed blonde and kept her birth name, Heather Sweet.

Some of her fans criticised the look, saying that she was making fun of other women. However, she won support from others who, quite rightly, pointed out that Halloween is for dressing up as something as you're not.

"She doesn't dress or look like everyone else the rest of the year. She's just doing the polar opposite of her normal look," said one commenter. "Lighten up."

Can we have more Halloween please?

SOURCE: Harpers Australia