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Cuando tan solo eran unos niños, los hermanos Edward y Alphonse Elric usaron la alquimia para cometer un pecado capital: intentar la transmutación humana. El terrible precio que tuvieron que pagar por su osadía les ha lisiado de por vida, pero no se resignan a su destino y están dispuestos a recuperar sus cuerpos. Y para ello necesitan la sustancia más especial del mundo: el quinto elemento, la piedra filosofal.

272 pages, Paperback

First published June 22, 2011

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About the author

Hiromu Arakawa

310 books2,687 followers
Hiromu Arakawa (author: 荒川弘) is a Japanese manga artist, best known for Fullmetal Alchemist (鋼の錬金術師 Hagane no renkinjutsushi).
Her real name is Hiromi Arakawa (荒川弘美).

Arakawa was born and raised on a dairy farm in Hokkaidō.
She thought of being a manga artist since she was little. After graduating high school, she took oil painting classes while working on her family's farm. During that time, she also created dōjinshi manga with her friends and drew yonkoma for a magazine. After eight years she moved to Tōkyō and started out as assistant writer for Hiroyuki Etō.
Her debut as manga artist is in 1999 with STRAY DOG. In 2001 she started working on her famous and award winning series Fullmetal Alchemist, that soon gets a successful anime adaptation.
Other works include Silver Spoon (銀の匙 Silver Spoon, Gin no saji Silver Spoon).

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 470 reviews
Profile Image for Katie Colson.
716 reviews8,667 followers
October 29, 2023
HOW HOW HOW did this publish in 2011??? Western society is shaking in it's boots to this DAY! USA could literally never. WOULD never. The gall. The gumption. The glory of this first volume is unparalleled. I was GRIPPED from GO.

I love the characters, world, plot, and humor. It builds the world at break-neck speed without abandoning the reader's understanding or enjoyment.

The talk of religion and classism had me looking to an invisible camera, like the Office. Edward clearly states that he's an atheist. That would never happen in American media. He gives fantastic reasoning behind his beliefs and the facts are FACTING.

I love how much we were given in one single volume of this series. It leaves so much promise for the series as a whole. I can't wait to see these characters get fleshed out even more and to see what this world has to offer.
Profile Image for Xwirus.
83 reviews83 followers
June 3, 2016
Mi manga favorito.

Siempre es mas fácil justificar porque algo es una mierda que algo que te encanta, pero lo vamos a intentarlo.

El libro es un shonen y probablemente lo primero que nos puede llamar la atención es que quien escribió la obra es una autora mujer, para quien no lo sepa la traducción literal de shonen es muchacho, lo cual significa que este tipo de mangas van destinados a los chicos y la mayoría de veces son escritos por hombres, al contrario de los shojos que significa muchacha y por lo general son leidos y escritos por mujeres.

Creo que lo anterior es importante decirlo porque esto es un shonen con bastante toques de shojo, un problema latente en los shonen es que la historia normalmente es un hilo conductor de pelea en pelea y tiro porque me toca, por lo contrario los shojos suelen tener una historia mas contundente, solida y estructurada y mayoritariamente mas cruel que los shonen como mínimo sicologicamente hablando, aunque estos optaran por explicar la historia de manera mucho mas lenta, por ejemplo hay que ir a buscar no se que en no se donde, pero vamos a hacer un capitulo de las chicas yendo al colegio que no aportara nada a la trama principal, y posiblemente hablen de como hacer para que les crezcan las tetas o tácticas para ligar o de algún chico que casualmente sera ese chico disfrazado que ellas no saben quien es.

En cambio aquí encontraremos una historia bastante ligera, estructurada y solida, que para rellenar usara tanto peleas como situaciones cómicas, con la historia bastante buena y bastante cruel a la vez.

Para que entendáis esto creo que lo mejor es que os ponga la primera pagina del manga:

Creo que se puede decir que es mucho mas que una simple historia en la que Al y Ed buscaran la piedra filosofal para recuperar sus cuerpos, también veremos un trasfondo político, social y psicológico abarca multitud de esferas que no podemos obviar.

La historia veremos que tiene multitud de giros en la trama, y también amaremos a los múltiples personajes carismáticos que iremos encontrando, incluso sentiremos pena cuando lleguemos a las escenas de drama TT-TT.

Y bueno también mencionar la carga metafórica que tiene toda la historia, el principio de la alquimia es una metáfora en si, "para obtener algo debes intercambiar algo del mismo valor", aplicado en el día a día podría ser: "si quieres aprender japones sacrifica tu tiempo para estudiarlo."

También decir que esta historia me ha hecho llorar en 2 puntos diferentes de esta, aviso que es algo bastante raro que yo llore por cualquier cosa.

Incluso si sois amantes del misterio habrá un personaje que descubrirá una cosa y en ningún momento de todo el manga se nos revelara que descubrió, a ver cuantos lo podéis descubrir sin ir a wikipedia ^^.

Aparte de tener bastantes easter eggs, como por ejemplo que todos los subordinados de Mustag y este mismos todos tienen ya sea en el nombre o en apellido el nombre de un vehículo militar.

La única pequeña pega que le veo

Conclusión: Un gran manga que en 2003 le hicieron un anime horrible aunque por suerte en 2013 hicieron otro anime fiel al manga, creo que bastante posiblemente obra maestra, y si tenéis pensado comprarlo os recomiendo bastante esta edición Kanzenban que es mas bonita que los originales y sale mejor de preció.

Nota:10 (5 stars)

Mas reviews en https://www.goodreads.com/review/list... dar a like si te a sido útil esta información, también puedes seguirme si tienes interés en ver mas reseñas como esta y si tenéis cualquier duda, queréis debatir algo, avisarme de algún error o cualquier otra cosa lo podéis hacer en los comentarios. ^^

Me gustaría comentar un par de cosas del manga, aviso que aquí habrá spoilers muy grandes, así que os aconsejo no leer a menos que hayáis leído el manga o hayáis visto el anime de 2013

Spoiler hasta no haber sobrepasado el capitulo 16

Final de todo el manga
Profile Image for Bella.
603 reviews16.8k followers
February 23, 2019
Is anyone surprised I gave this 5 stars? This is literally my favorite anime ever which I've rewatched more than 7 times.

And I'm finally getting around to reading the mangas 😍
Profile Image for Alex Nieves.
180 reviews690 followers
September 1, 2022
Feels good to be back to FMA! I've only ever watched the anime and Brotherhood is one of my favorites of all time. Reading this brings back so many fun memories and man what a kick-ass manga this is.
Profile Image for ana ♡.
21 reviews2 followers
April 28, 2024
dont EVER put me in a room with roy mustang because i WILL be ripping my shirt in half
Profile Image for Monica.
802 reviews
August 23, 2018
“Full metal Alchemist” contiene casi todas las bases para que una historia gráfica funcione: Drama, acción, aventuras, ciencia con fantasía, humor y crítica social, además de un argumento, que aunque clásico, atractivo.
Aquí partimos con un binomio protagonista, dos hermanos alquimistas (Los Elric) con un pasado demoledor y dramático que deben enmendar. De aquí su búsqueda de la Piedra filosofal.
A su paso se toparán con falsos religiosos sedientos de poder y dogma, y a los clásicos tiranos, los superiores del ejercito que se toman el mando por su mano y esclavizan un pueblo; lo someten.
El hermano mayor, Erward (alquimista nacional prematuro), encarna la arrogancia, la impulsividad y la seguridad. El pequeño, Alphonse (que no de tamaño), su compensación: la reflexión y la cordura en momentos decisivos y peligrosos; la inteligencia en la sombra. Es un dúo muy bien equilibrado y con carisma.
El marco ambiental es Futurista- costumbrista. Ellos son modernos pero el resto es algo más decadente, atemporal...huele a polvo, desprende esencia de un Western Outsider que bien podría firmar Carpenter.
Y, obviamente, la historia te deja con ganas de más, de saber quién son ésos auténticos malvados que se sirven de ciertos Tiranos para su propósito final; a bien seguro conectados con los Elric.
Un muy buen tomo. Continuaré con éste Manga.
Profile Image for Maria.
596 reviews139 followers
August 24, 2019
Not bad, but it would’ve been so much better if the art style wasn’t this mediocre typical clumsy shounen thing with zero backgrounds. However, the concept is pretty interesting, so in the future, I think, I’m gonna stick with the anime.
Profile Image for Jenn (The Book Refuge).
2,141 reviews3,309 followers
January 10, 2023
Well, this was a very powerful start. I'm so glad I gave this one a try. I'm a tough rater on Manga, but I am very intrigued for this one.

4 stars
No steam
Profile Image for Jessi  Joachim .
53 reviews125 followers
June 5, 2021
This was my first Manga and I was a little nervous going into it but it was fantastic.
I really loved the brothers and their story and the art in this was amazing.
It kept me hooked and I ended up reading it in a single session.
Will be picking up volume 2 soon
Profile Image for Iva.
415 reviews41 followers
January 1, 2023
​Складно щось сказати про манґу Аракави і ще менше є чого написати про видання від Nasha Idea, бо ж фото та відео із фантастичною суперобкладинкою та ескізами під нею, кольоровим зрізом, крейдованим папером та крутою ономатапеєю вже й без того заполонили соцмережі.

Та ж скажу, що крім прекрасного розважального атракціону із купою візуальних ґеґів Алхімік є казкою із дуже живим власним світом, котрий навіть з усією прикінцевою добротою має в собі достобіса мороку, що ту доброту лише підкреслює. Хай там як, ця історія дуже пасує святковій днині, а важченьк��й томик українською, що її містить, тішить понад того.

Та й магія "Сталевого Алхіміка" (най від першого тому ми маємо лише початкові знання про неї) є дуже цікавою і заслуговує на місце в матеріялі про історію магічних систем.
Сподіваюсь, продовження не забариться)
Profile Image for yelenska.
608 reviews154 followers
September 16, 2022
Un premier tome franchement assez incroyable. Très bonne première présentation des personnages, l'univers et les lois des Alchimistes sont très bien introduits, la quête des frères Elric est tout de suite claire, les deux protagonistes sont très intéressants (deux frères qui sont tout de même assez différents), et il y a beaucoup d'action ! S'ajoute à cela un battle entre science et religion, les deux ayant des mauvais côtés qui sont mis en avant dans ce premier tome. Vraiment heureuse d'avoir enfin commencé ce manga.
Profile Image for Psicologorroico.
443 reviews38 followers
July 6, 2021
Questo è il mio primissimo approccio a FMA, da profano, non conoscendo praticamente nulla della storia. Sono rimasto abbastanza colpito dalla storia e dai presupposti (due fratelli che cercano di resuscitare la madre, fallendo e pagandone il prezzo); inoltre, quanto cazzo è cattivo? Quante batoste emotive mi aspettano?? Già solo la storia di Nina e il cane mi hanno devastato... vabbè. Ho apprezzato molto il cinismo generale di questo primo volume ed il menefreghismo dei protagonisti. Curioso di sapere come si evolveranno le cose!
Profile Image for Zara.
337 reviews
June 21, 2022
My first manga experience and I really enjoyed it! Didn’t expect to enjoy it as much as I did but I loved the Elric brothers and the different characters we came across. Going to pick up volume 2 later today.
Profile Image for Dani St-Onge (Literary Lion).
616 reviews31 followers
July 2, 2018
For more reviews and bookish content: http://literarylion.ca

"Humankind cannot gain something without first giving something in return."

If you’re looking for a reason to reread the best manga ever written (fight me) then there’s no better reason than this. The Fullmetal Edition features larger page size, completely redone lettering, some colour pages and concept sketches. The hardcover with metallic text is stunning. The glossy pages will also keep your issue from getting the yellowed look regular manga pages tend to acquire.

I’ve always thought that there are few better opening issues than this. The first chapters are action-packed and perfectly introduce the brother’s personality before delving into their dark backstory. Arakawa has this brilliant balance of serious dark drama about the human condition and really well timed comedy that I’ve yet to see anywhere else.

The first four chapters are just fantastic for getting to know what drives our protagonists and what sort of characters they are. The book really starts to hit its stride by chapters five and six and you can really see the start of the main plotline forming. Plenty of the main cast has been introduced by this point. Arakawa manages to flesh out a world, a political landscape, a hard magic system and characters all pretty clearly within the first volume. Even new readers should catch on quite quickly.

The Alchemist’s Suffering chapter is actually one of the few things I feel was handled best in the 2003 anime. The manga, and subsequently Brotherhood, don’t really give you time to feel that attached to the characters involved. The big reveal is still shocking, but less so than when we saw Ed and Al spend a long time living with the characters rather than just dropping by for a few days.

The omakes are gone. This is the only real downside to the Fullmetal Edition of the series. There are beautiful concept sketches of Ed, his coat and his automail at the end of the volume but we lose the omakes. They weren’t integral to the series, just funny light comics at the end of each volume, but they were definitely a highlight. I don’t know why the decision was made to cut them. It doesn’t really make much sense to me that the “deluxe” edition would be missing something. It’s not likely they’ll appear in any future volume, or at least I haven’t heard that they do in the Japanese editions.

This is a beautiful edition of one of my favourite stories. Aside from the loss of some funny comics, it’s absolutely perfect. I’ll always have space in my heart for more editions of Fullmetal Alchemist.
Profile Image for Sydneroo.
252 reviews613 followers
March 1, 2020
Rating: 6.00/ 10.00 | 🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑
Profile Image for Becky.
370 reviews76 followers
April 4, 2020
I can see this being the start of an unhealthy obsesion.....
Profile Image for James DeSantis.
Author 17 books1,170 followers
February 3, 2021
It's been over 10 years since I've watched Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood. I actually grew up with the original series but brotherhood is a better version (despite loving some scenes from the original series too) but I never did read the manga. So I thought why not give it a read with these hardcover fullmetal edition with much nicer paper.

This is about the two brothers who decided to try and bring their mother back with alchemy and of course it didn't go well. TO get something you must give up something, this is the rules of alchemy. So now one brother has a metal body while the other is half robotic thanks to their fuck up. So they are trying a way to fix their bodies by going around the world finding a stone that'll help them do just that.

The first volume is strong though it gets REALLY good in the second half, especially final two chapters. The first chapter is kind of a build up of how the world works, who the brothers are, and sets the stage. The middle chapter is kind of character building for the brothers. But the final arc in this book focuses on Nina, a girl just living her best life with her doggie and father. But something dark awaits her future that ruins everything.

Overall, the first arc is solid fun but the next two arcs grow into something better. The final arc alone pushes this from a 3 to a 4 all tougher with some heartbreaking moments to say the least. Art is fantastic as well as solid writing. A 4 out of 5 all together.
Profile Image for Tori.
39 reviews1 follower
March 11, 2023
Саме задоволення перечитувати улюблену мангу українською, так ще й в такому крутому оформленні.
Profile Image for Manon「マノン」.
415 reviews87 followers
March 16, 2021
”Humankind cannot gain something without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. This is Alchemy’s First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world’s one, and only, truth.”

Edward could be the main character of a fantasy book. A prodigy who becomes State Alchemist at 12 years old, his name is well known among people even though they don’t know what he looks like. It is illustrated a couple times when people mistake Al as the Fullmetal Alchemist because he is wearing an armor, not knowing that it’s actually Ed. Like in fantasy books, he has a quest: find the Philosopher’s stone in order to restore his body as well as his brother’s one.

Alphonse is an interesting sidekick because even though they are brothers, their personalities are so different that it’s creating a nice contrast between the two.

I’m blown away by the world the author managed to create. The first volume was a great introduction to the world of alchemists which I’m sure will expand in the next volumes. Alchemy’s laws are explained by Al and there were clear and not confusing whatsoever.

Science (Alchemy) vs. Religion
This seems to be one of the main themes of this volume and I guess it will be recurrent throughout the whole series. The story of Edward and Alphonse starts with them committing the greatest sin for alchemists, human transmutation by trying to bring back their mother from the dead. By doing so, they are crossing god’s territory and lose their bodies in the process. People have been debating on this subject since Antiquity, so it was interesting to find this theme in a manga and to see how Arakawa is going to deal with it in later volumes.

To wrap it up, I absolutely loved this first volume and I’m really curious about what is going to happen next. I only watched a couple episodes of FMA Brotherhood so far therefore I don’t know much about what is going to happen next. I’m really excited to pick up the second volume.
Profile Image for Ola G.
455 reviews40 followers
July 17, 2021
8/10 stars

A promising start to a series; funny and heartfelt, with nicely introduced backstory and a dystopian world where alchemy is used by the state to wage war and control population, and yet at the same time is one of the very few options of advancement for those with talent and drive.
The highlight of this manga is definitely the relationship between the two teenage brothers: Edward and Alphonse. Sweet and tender and funny in places, it showcases the two of them as a great team, unified in their quest to right the desperate errors from their past.

Looking forward to the next installment!
Profile Image for Anna Christine.
612 reviews60 followers
October 9, 2022
Honestly I’m surprised it took me this long to start this series. But now I just want to binge read this manga so much!!

I loved this so much!! I wasn’t expecting to fall head over heels for this series and for these two brothers and just everything about it!!

The art was superb and the story was as well. There were panels that I just kept flipping back to because I adored them. One being ones that had to do with the dog because I cannot with that dog.

I need to get my hands on the rest of this series immediately and just binge them because I’m in love!
Profile Image for Nilab.
91 reviews3 followers
April 17, 2021
fma, as always, never disappoints. neither does this edition. i want every volume now 😩. there goes my money
Displaying 1 - 30 of 470 reviews

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