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Air - Thermal Conductivity vs. Temperature and Pressure

Online calculator with figures and tables showing air thermal conductivity vs. temperature and pressure. SI and imperial units.

Thermal conductivity is a material property that describes ability to conduct heat . Thermal conductivity can be defined as

" the quantity of heat transmitted through a unit thickness of a material - in a direction normal to a surface of unit area - due to a unit temperature gradient under steady state conditions".

Thermal conductivity most common units are W/(m K) in the SI system and Btu/(h ft °F) in the Imperial system.

Tabulated values and thermal conductivity units conversion are given below the figures.

Online Air Thermal Conductivity Calculator

The calculator below can be used to calculate the air thermal conductivity at given temperatures and pressure.
The output conductivity is given as mW/(m K), Btu(IT)/(h ft °F) and kcal(IT)/(h m K).

Choose the actual unit of temperature:
Choose the actual pressure:

See also other properties of Air at varying temperature and pressure: Density and specific weight at varying temperature , Density at varying pressure , Diffusion Coefficients for Gases in Air , Prandtl Number , Specific heat at varying temperature and Specific heat at varying pressure , Thermal Diffusivity , Properties at gas-liquid equilibrium conditions and Air thermophysical properties at standard conditions and Composition and molecular weight ,
as well as thermal conductivity o f ammonia , butane , carbon dioxide , ethane , ethylene , hydrogen , methane , nitrogen , propane and water .

See also Conductive Heat Transfer Calculator

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Air thermal conductivity temperature C

Air thermal conductivity temperature F

Air thermal conductivity pressure C

Air thermal conductivity pressure F

Air thermal conductivity at atmospheric pressure and temperatures given in °C:

Air - Thermal Conductivity vs. Temperature at Atmospheric Pressure - SI Units
Temperature Thermal conductivity
[°C] [mW/m K] [kcal(IT)/(h m K)] [Btu(IT)/(h ft °F)]
-190 7.82 0.00672 0.00452
-150 11.69 0.01005 0.00675
-100 16.20 0.01393 0.00936
-75 18.34 0.01577 0.01060
-50 20.41 0.01755 0.01179
-25 22.41 0.01927 0.01295
-15 23.20 0.01995 0.01340
-10 23.59 0.02028 0.01363
-5 23.97 0.02061 0.01385
0 24.36 0.02094 0.01407
5 24.74 0.02127 0.01429
10 25.12 0.02160 0.01451
15 25.50 0.02192 0.01473
20 25.87 0.02225 0.01495
25 26.24 0.02257 0.01516
30 26.62 0.02289 0.01538
40 27.35 0.02352 0.01580
50 28.08 0.02415 0.01623
60 28.80 0.02477 0.01664
80 30.23 0.02599 0.01746
100 31.62 0.02719 0.01827
125 33.33 0.02866 0.01926
150 35.00 0.03010 0.02022
175 36.64 0.03151 0.02117
200 38.25 0.03289 0.02210
225 39.83 0.03425 0.02301
300 44.41 0.03819 0.02566
412 50.92 0.04378 0.02942
500 55.79 0.04797 0.03224
600 61.14 0.05257 0.03533
700 66.32 0.05702 0.03832
800 71.35 0.06135 0.04122
900 76.26 0.06557 0.04406
1000 81.08 0.06971 0.04685
1100 85.83 0.07380 0.04959

Air thermal conductivity at atmospheric pressure and temperatures given in °F:

Air - Thermal Conductivity vs. Temperature at Atmospheric Pressure - Imperial Units
Temperature Thermal conductivity
[°F] [Btu(IT)/(h ft °F)] [kcal(IT)/(h m K)] [mW/m K]
-300 0.00484 0.00720 8.37
-200 0.00788 0.01172 13.63
-100 0.01068 0.01589 18.48
-50 0.01200 0.01786 20.77
-20 0.01277 0.01901 22.10
0 0.01328 0.01976 22.98
10 0.01353 0.02013 23.41
20 0.01378 0.02050 23.84
30 0.01402 0.02087 24.27
40 0.01427 0.02123 24.70
50 0.01451 0.02160 25.12
60 0.01476 0.02196 25.54
70 0.01500 0.02232 25.95
80 0.01524 0.02267 26.37
100 0.01571 0.02338 27.19
120 0.01618 0.02408 28.00
140 0.01664 0.02477 28.80
160 0.01710 0.02545 29.60
180 0.01755 0.02612 30.38
200 0.01800 0.02679 31.16
250 0.01911 0.02843 33.07
300 0.02018 0.03003 34.93
350 0.02123 0.03160 36.75
400 0.02226 0.03313 38.53
450 0.02327 0.03463 40.28
500 0.02426 0.03611 41.99
600 0.02620 0.03898 45.34
700 0.02807 0.04177 48.58
800 0.02990 0.04449 51.74
1000 0.03342 0.04973 57.84
1200 0.03680 0.05477 63.69
1400 0.04007 0.05963 69.35
1600 0.04325 0.06436 74.85
1800 0.04635 0.06898 80.23
2000 0.04941 0.07353 85.51

Thermal conductivity units conversion:

Thermal conductivity unit converter

british thermal unit(international)/(foot hour degree fahrenheit) [Btu(IT)/(ft h°F], british thermal unit(international)/(inch hour degree fahrenheit) [Btu(IT)/(in h°F], british thermal unit(international)*inch/(square foot*hour*degree fahrenheit) [(Btu(IT) in)/(ft² h°F)], kilocalorie/(meter hour degree celcius) [kcal/(m h°C)], joule/(centimeter second degree kelvin) [J/(cm s K)], watt/(meter degree kelvin) [W/(m°C)],

  • 1 Btu(IT)/(ft h°F) = 1/12 Btu(IT)/(in h°F) = 0.08333 Btu(IT)/(in h°F) = 12 Btu(IT)in/(ft2h°F) = 1.488 kcal/(m h°C) = 0.01731 J/(cm s K) = 1.731 W/(m K)
  • 1 Btu(IT)/(in h°F) = 12 Btu(IT)/(ft h°F) = 144 Btu(IT)in/(ft2h°F) = 17.858 kcal/(m h°C) = 0.20769 J/(cm s K)= 20.769 W/(m K)
  • 1 (Btu(IT) in)/(ft² h°F) = 0.08333 Btu(IT)/(ft h°F) = 0.00694 Btu(IT)/(in h°F) = 0.12401 kcal/(m h°C) = 0.001442 J/(cm s K) = 0.1442 W/(m K)
  • 1 J/(cm s K) = 100 W/(m K) = 57.789 Btu(IT)/(ft h°F) = 4.8149 Btu(IT)/(in h°F) = 693.35 (Btu(IT) in)/(ft² h°F) = 85.984 kcal/(m h°C)
  • 1 kcal/(m h°C) = 0.6720 Btu(IT)/(ft h°F) = 0.05600 Btu(IT)/(in h°F) = 8.0636 (Btu(IT) in)/(ft2h°F) = 0.01163 J/(cm s K) = 1.163 W/(m K)
  • 1 W/(m K) = 0.01 J/(cm s K) = 0.5779 Btu(IT)/(ft h°F) = 0.04815 Btu(IT)/(in h°F) = 6.9335 (Btu(IT) in)/(ft² h°F) = 0.85984 kcal/(m h°C)

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